Alternative Medicine Essay

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Illness can occur in anyone at any time and may be accompanied by pain, such as cancer and arthritis. Many patients believe they can find cures in other types of medicine without the side-effects of chemotherapy and other medications. This type of medical treatment is known as Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). Patients who believe in CAM may try various techniques from acupuncture, hypnosis, magnetic therapy, homeopathy, and even urine therapy. The main reason people start to use certain medications or therapies is because other people used them and experienced some kind of benefit. Since everyone is different, the effects may be different. Some therapies and medications work, and some are placebos.
There is a lot of confusion about the differences between complementary medicine and alternative medicine. Complementary medicine is used together with conventional medicine such as the use of acupuncture to relieve the side effects of chemotherapy for cancer. On the other hand, alternative medicine is used in place of conventional medicine such as the treatment of urine therapy instead of chemotherapy. CAM therapies are generally unknown by many people in today’s Western society. Western medical schools and hospitals usually do not educate or inform employees about complementary and alternative medical practices, which is why they are not well accepted by the medical community as standard or conventional form of medicine (Medicine Net, 2006). Some of the CAM therapies have been documented in various trials, many failed to show any real effects, which suggests that the placebo effect plays a major role in these therapies.
One form of complementary therapy is acupuncture, which involves the placement of thin needles into...

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