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Effects of technology on children of today
Effects of technology on children of today
Effects of technology on children of today
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Everyone remembers their summers as a child, running free in the warmth of the sun but a large group of children may have been oblivious to what could be a small yet crucial part of living. They never had the opportunity to cope with solitude, which according to Anna Quindlen and William Deresiewics is something that needs to be preserved. Having alone time was a large part of life for the older generations. However it started to vanish from their lives with the invention of the television and becoming a part of each household.
According to Quindlen’s article having solitude brings out a sense of happiness in her, she uses personal experiences, doesn’t have a ton of factual information to back up her argument. She remembers her younger days of solitude, saying it made her who she is today and that she’s proud of that. Quindlen argues that having some alone time is good for the mind and allows us to expand our thoughts in the realm of creativity and allows for more innovative thoughts to be produced. Whereas Deresiewicz takes a different look at how solitude is beneficial. He says that “…Solitude has traditionally been a societal value.” Continuing to value isolation as a large part of a religious sense in older days, going on to say that without being alone you are not as capable to communicate with the higher power.
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Deresiewicz continually says that the advancements in technology shorten the capacity for the newest generation to concentrate and focus on doing nothing as previous generation had to deal with. Quindlen believes that it is not too late for the younger generation to deal with boredom, we have the ability to unhook the cable box and remove the modem. Leaving us with nothing but our thoughts to increase our creative ideas and be closer with ourselves, through
I love and am extremely defensive of my own picked snippets of isolation, however I additionally realize that drawn out stretches of time alone can send me into a depressive state, or make me feel like I 'm going insane. All the more particularly, a sort of frenzy sets in when I understand only i 'm with my considerations with nobody to attest or prevent the legitimacy from claiming what I 'm considering. When I 'm without anyone else 's input for a really long time, I begin to notice my own sense of reality of who I truly am and what the world is truly like. I needed to be with other people in light of the fact that they are such a critical piece of how I learn and make the most of my life and my explanation behind living. All individuals appear to rely on upon differing sums and emotion of socialgatehrings to keep
When a person's faith is also an alternative for their culture and morals, it proves challenging to take that sense of security in that faith away from them. In Night, Elie Wiesel, a Jewish student living in Sighet, Transylvania during the war of 1942, uses his studies in Talmud and the Kabbalah as not only a religious practice but a lifestyle. Elie and his fellow civilians are warned, however, by his Kabbalah teacher who says that during the war, German aggressors are aggregately imprisoning, deporting, and annihilating millions of Jews. When Elie and his family are victim of this aggression, Elie realizes how crucial his faith in God is if he is to survive the Holocaust. He vows after being separated from his mother and sisters that he will protect he and his father from death, even though as death nears, Elie gradually becomes closer to losing his faith. In the end, to Elie's devastation, Elie makes it out of the Holocaust alone after his father dies from the intense seclusion to malnutrition and deprivation. Elie survives the Holocaust through a battle of conscience--first by believing in God, then resisting his faith in God, and ultimately replacing his faith with obligation to his father.
What do people think of when they hear the word solitude? For many, it evokes a negative connotation, but in reality, those same people carry false associations with the word. Solitude is the state of being alone. It is not the same as being lonely, which is the dread of being alone. Despite these erroneous myths of solitude perpetuating many minds, the truth is that everyone can benefit from solitude. Humankind’s greatest inventions were conceived and developed in isolation, and even with this fact, many individuals do not realize what is lost without solitude. William Deresiewicz, author of “The End of Solitude”, reflects on how society no longer appreciates solitude and how technology is responsible for it. Additionally, Susan Cain, author
One of the challenges of growing up is loneliness. As a small child living in Brooklyn Francie had no friends her age, the kids in her neighborhood that would have been candidates for friends either found her too quiet or shunned her for being different. Betty Smith describes on page 106 how most of Francie's childhood days were spent: "So in the warm summer days the lonesome child sat on her stoop and pretended disdain for the group of children playing on the sidewalk. Francie played with her imaginary companions and made believe they were better than real children. But all the while her heart beat in rhythm to the poignant sadness of the song the children sang while walking around in a ring with hands joined." As time went by and Francie got older she began to get to know a different kind of loneliness. Betty Smith narrates her feelings on page 403: "Spring came early that year and the sweet warm nights made her restless. She walked up and down the streets and through the park. And wherever she went, she saw a boy and a girl together; walking arm-in-arm, sitting on a park bench with their arms around each other, standing closely and in silence in a vestibule. Everyone in the world but Francie had a sweetheart or a friend she seemed to be the only lonely one in Brooklyn without a friend." Loneliness is one of the challenges we must all conquer as part of maturing and it helps us learn to be independent and overcome hardship.
In conclusion, the article is trying to tell us to live in the moment and allow ourselves to get bored. So, that we can truly connect with the people and things around
As this suburban sprawl of the fifties took America by storm, Spiegel discusses how television provided a necessary means of escapism for frustrated families. The first television show, broadcast in 1949, was a very simple program in which a man and woman sit watching and discussing the TV. Although by today's standards this would be seen as unsurpassingly boring to audiences, this simple show provided a stress relief and easy entertainment; it seemed as though audiences enjoyed watching programs which, similar to their own situation, seemed more rewarding.
Author also point out television undermines the family. Most parents are now relying on outside sources such...
It can be used as a time to think about things that they have done, why they have done them, and to find out more about themselves. This is true for Henry Clerval. He wanted to be alone because he liked peace and quiet. He found beauty in nature, and “among . . . mountains . . . [he] [would] scarcely regret Switzerland” (117), his old home. Vicor isolated himself in nature because it could “always interest . . . [his] heart, and communicate elasticity in . . . [his] spirits” (116). Although Victor isolated himself to help soothe his soul, he left for other reasons as well. Some people need time alone, so they separate themselves from others. Self-induced isolation can also be a cause of blind pursuit towards an aspiration. This is when someone wants to be in the driver’s seat of their life. They do not want distractions to get in their way of discovering new things. Victor knew that his family wanted to communicate with him, however, he “could not tear . . . [his] thoughts from . . . [his] employment” (33). When this happens, the results tend to not be so pretty. The effects of isolating oneself can sometimes be good, however, tend to be
...rs solitude to be of great importance in achieving an individualistic understanding. He writes, “It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.” Here it can be seen that Emerson also recognizes solitude to be a beneficial thing to people, but he argues that to be able to remain an individual within society is a far greater achievement. To be able to think without the assistance of society while enduring the pressures of society is to be truly great.
In society, is has become a priority to be so engaged in the social circle. It gets exhausting trying to be at all the gatherings, getting involved in activities, and partaking in social media. Even though as a society we tire of the constant movement in our communities, we often do not withdraw ourselves from the suffocating social routine. I have often found myself thinking that I should take a trip or go stay at another city to be alone and relax from all the annoyance of society. What holds me back? Being alone is a scary thought. But what joy I experience when the wind blows over the water that your feet are in when sitting on pier. Or the joy of being in a lake fishing, with your thoughts. I find it that the stuff that worries me the most, does not seem as catastrophic when immersed in the greenery of the woods. If only one had the courage to live alone, I’m sure life would seem much
In 2009 Chimamanda Adichie gave a TED talk about the ‘danger of a single story’. A single story meaning, one thought or one example of a person becoming what we think about all people that fit that description, a stereotype if you will. In today’s America, I believe that we have all felt the wave of stereotypical views at some point or another. Adichie gives many relatable examples throughout her life of how she has been affected by the single story. Her story brings about an issue that all humans, from every inch of the earth, have come to understand on some level. A young child reading only foreign books, a domestic helper that she only perceived as poor. Her college roommates single story about Africans and her own formation of a single
Has it ever crossed your mind what exactly is that makes people relate to each other? Whether its simple things like food and music or more complex things like language and religion, the feeling of being part of something gives us a sense of satisfaction, and common ground. Humans have an inevitable need to belong. However when those factors that make people interconnect with each other becomes distorted, the results can be catastrophic. In this essay I will discuss the how the genocidal events that took place in the U.S. with the Native Americans, the Belgian Congo, and German South West Africa were carried out and why elements of exploitation, racialization, identity, and inferiority played a role in them.
...roviding the “box” for more creative and imaginative play. In addition, parents must gather around the dinner table and create family traditions that will last forever in their children’s memories. Parents must emulate the Knott family who are creating memories by spending time together outdoors instead of watching television in separate rooms. As a result, these children develop intellectually, emotionally, and socially and contribute both to their family and community. Elyssa Knott, at the young age of 11 states, "How much fun could you possibly have if you didn't use your imagination?" (Kalb, par.1) As parents follow Kris Knott and her family’s example, they will see their own family beginning to change and acknowledge the importance of spending quality time together, letting go of the television remote and stepping back to the basics of play.
The increasing trend of people living alone is addressed in Eric Klinenberg’s book “Going Solo”, which offers a good explanation of the different social forces behind this trend, and investigating the psychology of the lone dweller. He starts the book off with an introduction quoting the Bible and Aristotle, laying down the difference between being alone and living alone, and introduces the context of the American individualism, and how living alone made its way into the cities. In parts of the book, he accredited this to the emancipation of women that led to increased job prospects, the flourishing property market that attracted young people to cities, and kept them there with the continual gentrification and cultural and social activities.
Such a simple definition for something people consider so bad and complex. A poet known as Halmos in 1952 said once, “ I have discovered that all the unhappiness of man arises from one single fact, that they are incapable of staying quietly in their own chamber”. Alone time has always been important for our everyday lives but some choose to believe it is toxic. However alone time is extremely good for your health and beneficial to your life. Spending time alone has numerous benefits and today I’m gonna mention just a few. According to a 2015 study from the the Mercola health organization, “spending time alone helps your mind and body process information and stress from your