Allegory In Perrine's Young Goodman Brown

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In Perrine’s literature Allegory is described as, “a story that has a second meaning beneath the surface (288).” In the story “Young Goodman Brown” He leaves his wife, Faith for travel. On the trip he meets the devil that waited for him at a tree and greeted him by name. Goodman says to him, “Faith kept me waiting (293).” In this story faith is not only his wife it is also his faith in the Lord. Throughout this story Goodman is on a trip with the devil as Goodman’s faith grows weaker and weaker. While on this trip Goodman thinks he sees Faith. He then starts to cry out for faith, but all that is left is Faiths pink ribbon. Goodman states that, “My Faith is gone (298).” Through the rest of the story Goodman still questions himself about his

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