Allegory In Lord Of The Flies

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In the book The Lord Of The Flies by William Golding, there's a World War 2 allegory ,and here are some reasons why I believe that. All the characters in this book resemble a person for the war, for example Jack the antagonist resembles hitler. And the story can relate to the war in many ways here's some examples. Piggy resembles Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill was a smart role in the war and piggy fits this perfectly with good ideas and a smart outlook on things. (chp.8) “ Only piggy could have the intellectual daring to suggest moving fire from the mountain” . Jack is a leader just like Hitler, Jack blamed “the beast” for their problems just to hunt, and that's exactly what hitler did to germany at the time he blamed jews for …show more content…

Another reason how jack lead like hitler is he used fear and promises. Jack threatened the group if you didn't join him they would die , jack also provided food for the group and leading them into this savage mindset to kill to survive just like hitler did. Jack turned a quiet character named roger into one of the more savage people in the group , for example when he killed Piggy with a boulder . Roger would be a nazi commander in world war two. Jack is hitler and he commands roger, (his general) to hunt and kill. I think the author reenacted this war by putting boys on an island and seeing them change so fast . It really shows what humans can do with no civilization. Another allegory to world war two is Ralph, Simon and Piggy. At the beginning of the book the plane crashes and piggy says “ we was attacked” (pg.8). What Piggy was thinking is that someone attacked them what probably has to do a lot with the war. Speaking of Piggy, Piggy resembles Winston Churchill the prime minister of the United Kingdom because their both very smart in both situations. This story happened right after the war too piggy says “ Didn't you hear what the pilot said? about the atom bomb? They're all dead”. Ralph also is connected to the war in some ways . His dad is a commander in the navy. Ralph resembles Britain and jack resembles Germany towards the end of the book, Jack gained power through almost the whole

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