Allegories importance in literature and film

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The importance of allegory and its place in literatures and films create a positive impact to readers and audiences. A story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning is the definition of allegory. It is used in stories and films to make the readers and audiences understand the true message that the author is revealing. Allegory is a major impact on a story or film because it teaches a moral lesson symbolically and can be interpreted on many levels into a deeper meaning.
Initially, the Odyssey is a story about a man trying to make his way back home to return to his kingdom. Odysseus has had a long journey with his crew around the world facing extreme obstacles. The allegory of this story is life lessons interpreted through his journey. Throughout the whole story, Homer (the author) had placed obstacles into the story for the reader to understand and comprehend. An example of this was when Odysseus had encountered the Sirens. The Sirens are birdlike women with human faces that sing beautifully to direct their ship toward the sound to destroy their ships upon rocks. Odysseus had the obstacle of temptation. He and his crew had to remain strong and stick to what he knew what was right and continue through his journey. This temptation only made him stronger and made him think how much more he needed to return back to his kingdom. This part of the story has placed a major impact because it was teaching Odysseus a moral lesson. Like in life people have many temptations that can change anything and everything. People have to stick to their gut feeling and believe in making the right choices. People can’t have others tempt them into doing something wrong because it’s their life and they are the ones liv...

... middle of paper ... the freedom to decide what the allegory is and what message they are trying to send with out straight up stating it. The readers can also apply the message that is being sent to their own personal life and make a connection to the story. The readers may not have a whole bunch of freedom while reading, but its the authors story and they are the ones that are creating an enjoyable story for others to read.
To conclude, allegory is a major impact on stories and films. They are many different ways allegories can be used to impact a story. They help send a clear message to the reader that is understanding and helps the reader apply it to their own life. Without them, there would be no purpose for reading the story. Allegory is a major impact on a story or film because it teaches a moral lesson symbolically and can be interpreted on many levels into a deeper meaning.

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