All My Sons : The Influence of Larry

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All My Sons : The Influence of Larry In the book All My Sons, Larry has a big influence on the play. He is part of many of the problems shown in the book. Larry was Joe Keller’s older son and was reported missing three years before the time when the play is set. One of the first things mentioned is that Larry’s tree had been broken down by a gust of wind. You find out that the tree, being Larry’s tree really meant something to the family as Frank says “What’d Kate say?” this shows that it symbolised something important. Larry plays an important part even though he doesn’t show up at any point in the play. Larry was Ann’s boyfriend and they were about to get married when Larry went missing in the war. Ann then fell in love with Chris Larry’s brother and they wanted to get married. But since the mother still thinks that Larry is alive she is totally against it and doesn’t want them to marry which causes great problems between Larry and her. At first Mother has no idea that they have plans to marry, but she is suspicious about it. She tries to frighten Larry into n...

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