Mary Pratt described a contact zone where cultures meet, clash, and grapple. Black Lives Matter is a group where the emphasize the help needed for blacks. Blue Lives Matter and All Lives matter are two marginalized groups who misinterpreted the Black Lives Matter movement message. All Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter groups characterize the Black Lives Matter group’s language. All Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter were made or named after Black Lives Matter. All Lives Matter interpreted Black Lives Matters as a group to single out black lives only. Black Lives Matter was created to emphasize the help needed to black because of police brutality towards them. Shortly after Black Lives Matter was created and people started protesting for it, Blue Lives Matter was created. Blue Lives Matter interpreted Black Lives Matter was spreading a message about how all police are violent and murderers. The Black Lives Matter group was created to protest the unfair violence against blacks. As Black Lives Matter continued to protest, All Lives …show more content…
In these protests, Black Lives Matter allows growth to happen to the marginalized groups by showing what the actual message means in the Black Lives Matter movement. While Blue Lives Matter protests about how all police are not brutal, Black Lives Matter enlightens them that they are protest for justice. One misinterpretation of Blue Lives Matter from Black Lives Matter is that Black Lives Matter is saying every officer is bad and not doing their job, but Black Lives Matter simply wants justice for those who have fatally fallen. In a protest, All Lives Matter tries to tell Black Lives Matter protestors that they are singling out blacks. The Black Lives Matter group will tell anyone in the All Lives Matter group that all lives do matter, but they need justice for black lives. The Black Lives Matter group tries to enlighten these marginalized groups that their message is a call for
According to Zimmerman, him and Martin had an altercation, where it led to Zimmerman shooting Martin in the chest, killing him. He claims it was self-defense. Photos and reports were leaked, which caused more and more people protesting to acquire Zimmerman getting charged for his actions. The end result led to a not guilty verdict in July, 2013. Due to this event, the “Black Lives Matter” movement started. Black Lives Matter movement, can be very complicated to define due to the misportrayal by the media and society. The Black Live Matter Movement, also known as the BLM, is defined as an international activist movement, originating in the African American community, the campaigns against violence and systemic racism towards black people
The Black Lives Matter Movement was started as a hash tag after the death of Travon Marten. Its founders Patrisse Cullors, Opal Tometi, and Alicia Garza helped it grow into a movement. Unlike the Black Panther Party of the 1960s this group is not calling for the black community to pick up arms. However, like the Black Panther Party of the 1960’s the media has shown members of this group standing toe to toe with
This movement is about the equality of African Americans and saying that their lives matter just as much as other races who get more rights and freedom. This movement has gone on since the time of Martin Luther King Jr. In society, African Americans are lesser than whites and are given less rights, but in the Black Lives Matter movement, not only African Americans, but also many other races are going against what society says and protesting for rights from which they deserve. This relates to the idea of going against society and making your own decisions which relates to Transcendentalism.
Black lives matter is a social media movement that went of the Ferguson, Gardner cases etc. Also very rapidly it was to show as a opposition to the police and cops. Somehow when saying black lives matter it was like saying all life matter don’t matter. It’s a touchy subject due to why people view things and for most case I can understand. I feel that the person that made black life’s matter didn’t mean for it to be just all about black life but to inform others around the nation that there is a special problem that is only happening in the African American community and we have fix that issue . we as a society has to recognize this that the African American are not making this up this its not something being politicalized its real and there’s a history behind it so we have to seriously.
American is known for its rich culture and diversity. Black lives matter (BLM) is an international activist movement, originating in the African-American community, that campaigns against violence and systemic racism toward black people as defined by google. It was created in 2012 as a call to action for black people after seventeen year old Trayvon Martin was placed on trial for his own murder and the killer, George Zimmerman, was not held accountable for the crime that he had committed. It was a response for the anti-Black racism that still remains in our society and within the movement itself. It is a movement that goes beyond the killing of black people by police and vigilantes. It calls for the Black community to love each other, live
This movement is called “Black Lives Matter”. The people who were responsible for the creation of this hashtag, which then expanded to be a movement, were three women: Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi. The way that the people are being used in this topic area is that it implies this notion. In this topic area, “Black Lives Matter” refers to African-Americans who are treated unfairly and blamed for the things that doesn’t have anything to do with them.
“Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a movement against police violence that is, as argued by BLM supporters, disproportionately and systematically directed at black people. The movement has highlighted incidents in which police have harassed and killed black men and women. BLM is considered one of the most visible and controversial civil rights movement of the last decades.” (Black Lives Matter. 2016) “Black Lives Matter is an American social activist organization devoted to stopping violence and injustice against African Americans. The group was founded in 2013 following the acquittal of In the sixties African Americans began a Civil Rights Movement that, to some, still continue today; hence, the Black Lives Matter movement. During the sixties, the
First off Black Lives Matter is a powerful organization that has gained national attention. The movement was started in 2012, after the death of seventeen year Trayvon Martin. A very controversial trial came about, against a police officer named George Zimmerman who had shot the young black man. The main goal of black lives matter is to prevent
The statement “Black Lives Matter” has greatly evolved within the last year. If you support this side, you believe these words correlate with the unneeded and over excessive use of police brutality against African Americans compared to police brutality against whites, bringing racism soaring back into the US. As you may know, the statement became more predominant after the murder of African Americans
Black Lives Matter is an international activist movement, originating in the African American community. It campaigns against violence toward black people and has become a uniting call for an innovative chapter in the black freedom fight. The clearance of Trayvon Martin’s killer in 2013 and the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014 stimulated this movement. Black Lives Matter isn’t just about the loss of Black lives; but mainly about the lack of consequences when African American lives are taken by Caucasian officers. The question is; do black lives truly matter to those that claim to protect it? The answer is no they do not because the movement’s alleged “peaceful” protests continuously
Black Lives Matter is one of the greatest movements today challenging systemic and institutional racism. Black Lives Matter, is a Global Based Network member led organization, with a sole mission to build local power and intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities (Black Lives Matter, n.d.). For this assignment, we will be focusing on the Toronto chapter, however we will also look at the organization Globally how it all started. The First Part will talk about the History of the Movement How It Started. The second part will discuss the vision of the organization. The third part will discuss the organization structure, how the organization is formed. The Fourth part will discuss the strategies
That is why my family is advocate for black lives matter. There is too much stuff going on in today’s society especially towards black people. So I chose to a visual text for black lives matter.Black lives matter is a movement which purpose is to bring black people together. So that we can stand united. What I mean by stand united is that black people need to support each other to break away from stereotypes. It’s focused on black people being liberated from all the unnecessary hardships from people in positions of power. So the group was made to make a
When a person thinks about Black Lives Matter, he or she may visualize African Americans fighting for justice and equality. The movement Black Lives Matter was created to bring awareness to systematic racism, police brutality and social injustice that African Americans face on a daily basis. In contrary, All Lives Matter downplays the fact that black people are looked down upon in society. All Lives Matter may seem like an innocent title, but it emphasizes that justice for black people is not necessary. Black Lives Matter is not a movement that believes all lives do not matter; nevertheless, it highlights the fact that black lives are taken for granted by the judicial system.
Many people stand for the “Black Lives Matter” protest because people agree that many people are discussing many ways which Black people could be deprived of normal/regular human rights. Doesn’t matter if it’s about poverty, feminism, gay rights or any type equality. Racism mainly against black people has been the number one long lasting global issue to date. It’s good that Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi started this campaign. This campaign began on a social media platform after the acquittal murder of George Zimmerman.
The term All Lives Matter has not existed before the term Black Lives Matter was popularized therefore, making it a response to a movement set out to promote equality. If Black people and White people are seen as the same, white privilege would be