Alien Religion Essay

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have a part of them in hidden bases and other part is on the moon where they have bases to. From this we are not welcome to study and colonise the moon. They are between us as watchers from the day of flood. They study, and research us to find between us the ancient watchers what stay hide between us and they did not die by flood. I talk about alien so much because they were our old gods our falls gods. They were and they are between us and they leave a powerful impression over us and powerful religions. Even with the flood what delete their contamination we still are tier offspring. And like then we have activated the genes of war and we are a civilization of fighters a civilisation of war hungers. Any time exist a war on this planet the war …show more content…

We are a danger what others want to destroy and even we want to stay neutral they tray to destroy us by fanaticizing our population religious and instigate one ageist other. From this is necessary us to make peace between us, and to tolerate all religions because in the end all religion talk about a single god, the god what create the universe and do not have any sense to fight for local gods. It is no need to be divided by some fanatics religious what interpreted different their religious texts. We have to understand it is still a minor conflict still happen to day between aliens. Prove of these conflicts is numerous alien UFO crashes. Because you ask with so advance technology how it happen the they have so many crashes. It is because of conflict between aliens still even to day. Somehow from these crushes we take new technology. We reverse technology and we have a new technologic revolution on our hands but secret revolution. I said secret revolution because these technologies are kept secret and are weaponized to create a power, earth human power, to control our population in the end when we all go together united ageist another alien treat. But now we are in a period were under local religions appear a lot of fanatics. These fanatics were war against humanity in name of the god, in name of the falls local gods, dictated by angels, and others holly entity. These fanatics these destroyers they do not work in name of the god they work in name of some other humans or extraterrestrial identity as human and are their mental

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