Alfred Binet Research Paper

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Alfred Binet: Intelligence Theory As an educator one will have to determine the intelligence of his or her own students. This process can be quite difficult because it may be tough to decipher which students will struggle and which ones will excel. Teachers used to only be able to rely on their observations and interpretations of their students to help determine a student's scholastic aptitude. It was not until a theory was developed in 1908 and 1911 to assist teachers in these troublesome situations. A man developed a theory that would help solve all of these problems when determining intelligence. This man's name was Alfred Binet, and he plays a major role in the success of our education system today. He has made an impact on the field of child development along with the way that infants and toddlers are cared for. This theory and its impact has and always will be important to the education system and infants and toddlers as they grow and develop every day. Alfred Binet was born July 8, 1857 in Nice, France. He was a French psychologist who developed the first practical intelligence test, the Binet- Simon scale. Binet was driven to succeed from the very beginning and it shows …show more content…

This lead to Binet wanting a more scientific way of evaluating students. He wanted to remove teacher bias and to identify at- risk students who would need help and extra attention to succeed in school. In the cases where teachers only had their own opinions through observations and interpretations as a guide with determining the intelligence of their students, it caused some problems. For example, if a teacher did not like a student, he or she would most likely be depicted as not intelligent just because they were already biased towards that

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