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Innocence in american literature
Loss of innocence literature
Loss of innocence in literature essay
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War of Time; Like the Night; Alejo Carpentier
It is commonly said that “life’s too short”, but it feels even shorter when one is forced into the next stage of their life pre-maturely. Alejo Carpentier’s journey through time in Like the Night explores not just the cycle of time, but also the cycle of life. Readers are transported from Ancient Greece, to the Spanish conquest of the new world, to the European Empire, to the First World War, and finally back to Ancient Greece. Instead of focusing on battle strategy, the front lines, or shell-shock; Carpentier writes on loss of innocence. While writing on the night before leaving home and the innocence lost in the sudden transition from boyhood to manhood, Carpentier also toys with loss of sexual
innocence. In the fifth section of the story the soldier returns from a reflective night to find his lover “offering” her body and “intact flesh” to him (Carpentier 152). The soldier fears losing his innocence in war and does not want the woman he loves to end up alone “bleeding on the bed” while he goes to battle (Carpentier 153). As the narrator fears sexual intercourse with his partner he simultaneously taps into his fear of going to war and transitioning to an adult. He is being forced into adulthood prematurely by being sent to battle, therefore, refuses to assist his lover in her transition to adulthood. Carpentier explores time in its cyclical and repetitive nature. The soldier in section five exemplifies this cycle of life and fear of it moving to fast.
In Peter Winn's Weavers of Revolution, a factory in Santiago, Chile fights for their independence against the Chilean government of the 1970's. While this rebellion is going on, presidential elections are taking place and Salvador Allende is the presidential candidate which represents the common people. The relation between Allende and the people he represents is a unique one because at first this class, the working class, helps and supports Allende to become president, but then both parties realize their different plans for the future and the working class actually contributes to the downfall of Allende's presidency.
Imagine if time was the single most important thing: greater than family, friends, or making memories. The reason one would survive, but never truly live, is all determined by the time of day. Between the three mediums that have been read and discussed in class; Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, Metamorphosis (the graphic novel) illustrated by Peter Kuper, and the painting ‘The Persistence of Memory’ by Salvador Dali all contain a common theme; time is all consuming.
Junot Diaz’s “Otravida, Otravez” postulates a perspective of life where one’s present and future always reflects their past in some way. Diaz incorporates symbolic figures to convey how a person’s past can be carried into the future. Diaz’s use of symbolic figures includes the dirty sheets washed by Yasmin, the letters sent by Virta to Ramon, and the young girl who begins working with Yasmin at the hospital. These symbolic figures and situations remind the readers that the past will always play a major role in one’s present. Additionally, Diaz’s word choice, where Spanish words appear in many different parts of the reading, suggests that indirectly, one’s past habits are not easily broken.
Gottlieb, Erika. "The Function Of Goldstein 's Book: Time As Theme And Structure In Dystopian
“The Story of an Hour” and “The Hand” both has remarkable similarities and differences. They share a common theme of women and marriage and the sacrifices they make for their family. The setting in both stories is significant to understand the role of women hundreds of years ago. The symbolism portrayed in “The Hand” is about relationships and marriage. When a relationship is new and everything is wonderful there are not any fears or regrets. As time goes by even the most desirable qualities in someone will begin to be an annoyance rather than a joy.
Pike, David L., and Ana Acosta. "Chapter 10 "The Story Of An Hour"" Literature: A World of Writing. New York: Longman, 2009. 442-44. Print.
Chopin, Kate. “The Story of an Hour.” Backpack Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing. Eds. X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. 3rd ed. New York: Pearson, 2010. 261-263. Print.
In Kate Chopins “Story of the Hour”, several elements contribute to the overall meaning of the story itself.
The process in which human beings advance through different stages in their life towards adulthood is highly hellacious. Moreover, it is very likely that one might encounter some difficulty in this progression. However, it is in human nature that we learn by failing at things, then mastering them by repeating them again and again. In the novel Lives of Girls and Women, Alice Munroe presents the life of Del Jordan in a very interesting way. The novel is divided into eight stages of Del’s life, where she experiences different scenarios which ultimately give her a better understanding of life. Even though being curious has its pros and cons, at the end of the day it leads to the enhancement of a person’s inner self. In the novel Lives of Girls and Women, Del the protagonist can be analyzed as being a very enthusiastic girl. Moreover, her curiosity proves to be a dynamic benefit of her actions.
The elements at play in the novel and film are quite remarkable for their traditionally universal appeal.3 The fates of two adolescents, one jailed the other unwilling jailer, intersect and are soon bound together in a struggle for survival at the hands of unsuspecting enemies. The filmmaker's aim was to adopt a child's unadulterated point of view in referential opposition to the surrounding adult world. Given the suspenseful plot and the exploration of the young protagonists' fears at coping with a habitat they must disavow, such an aim and narrative scheme were expected to gather much attention.4 The pre-teens Michele, the novel's principal hero, and Filippo the kidnapped child are ultimately elevated from a pit of dirt and fear, the antechamber of death, chiefly by their own heroic praxis. Yet the problematic lack of any meaningful degree of depth in the novel and film seems to lie precisely with its overly schematic construction, tailored to safely weather the otherwise unpredictable market.
Chopin, Kate. "The Story of an Hour." The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature. 4th ed. Ed. Michael Meyer. Boston: St. Martins, 1997. 12-15.
In the short stories “Araby” by James Joyce and “A&P” by John Updike, the true nature of adolescence receives the highlight through extremely similar claims established through two alike scenarios. Both reveal actions of a boy in his adolescence that result in a conclusion to some realization. “Araby” and “A&P” relate in their similarities stemming from acting on immature impulses resulting in failure and realization of practicality, encompassing adolescence in its most natural and typical nature expressed through similar plots.
In many cultures, childhood is considered a carefree time, with none of the worries and constraints of the “real world.” In “Araby,” Joyce presents a story in which the central themes are frustration, the longing for adventure and escape, and the awakening and confusing passion experienced by a boy on the brink of adulthood. The author uses a single narrator, a somber setting, and symbolism, in a minimalist style, to remind the reader of the struggles and disappointments we all face, even during a time that is supposed to be carefree.
Through the telling of stories, this film is able to emphasize the individuality that exists in non-Western cultures. In addition, through certain elements, it is effective at acknowledging the audience’s awareness of witnessing a story, and raises the question of whether stories can ever truly be an accurate representation of reality. Through a criticism of British perceptions of the people of India, Midnight’s Children addresses the confusion in regards to an accurate sense of personal and national identity, and related issues experienced by previously colonized people. Things Fall Apart; Green Grass, Running Water; and Fronteras Americanas all show examples of this through different contexts. Through all of these works, we, the audience, are reminded that everything ever written is a story that that can be told differently by different people. All raise the same question: if we had started out with different stories, would we have a different
“The Story of An Hour” by Kate Chopin, is a story that has been controversial since its publication in 1894, with reviews ranging from highly critical to great acclaim. The story follows Chopin’s character Mrs. Mallard who is introduced at the same time she is receiving news of her husband’s death. The story is largely a mixture of radical views for its time, subtle meanings, and symbolism. While modern day readers read this story with an open mind, many men - of the 1890’s and much of the 1900’s - would have been outraged at its surface meaning. However, even today Chopin’s story receives criticism for being a gross portrayal of a woman's loss. This is due to the fact that many individuals continue to view the story at face value. Nevertheless, readers of Chopin’s story will find themselves reacting either one extreme or the other. But it is this reader participation that is crucial in determining what the story will be. Despite all beliefs, Mrs. Mallard is a woman who is stuck in her time trying to escape society’s constraints, develop her own identity, all while “coping” with the loss of her husband.