Agriculture in South Africa

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South Africa has proven on several occasions being a powerhouse when it comes to agricultural activities, but being a water scarce country this has not been an easy road but yet it’s a road travelled daily. South Africa covers 1.2million square kilometers of land and has seven climatic regions, ranging from Mediterranean to subtropical and semi-desert. With the country growing by about 2% annually either food production needs to increase as well or food imports should increase, but if production needs to increase this will need to be done by using the same amount of resources or possibly even less (Colin, 2014). Factors like what food production is critical will also be discussed .In this essay we will look at factors influencing the agricultural potential of South Africa’s soil , what the soil is used for , agricultural productions and why it’s so important…
South Africa diversity
South Africa being such a diverse country is diverse in soil types, Biomes, rainfall figures, consumption patterns and even what land can be used for. Although most of the country is mostly dry, the general characteristics remain the same m a sandy top layer underlain by a layer of an accretion of silica, with Kwazulu Natal being the only exception, where high fertile soil are found along the coast, but its easily degraded. All this means that only 12% of land can be used for crop production (Muhammed, 2000), and of that only 22% can be used as high potential arable land, putting this in terms , of the only 144 thousand square kilometers , only 32 thousand square kilometers are well suited for agricultural use without having to implement irrigation systems. When comparing this to India, where 53% is arable land, we can see how little we ac...

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... largest agricultural producers in the world showing that agricultural potential is huge, but with problems such as soil loss, nutrient depletion, over grazing and climate change this could lead to problems in the near future. With the amounts of fertilizers needed at this stage for crop productions our soil is already a non-renewable commodity.To conclude this essay we can see that soil is a cmodity fr the country and should nt be overlooked as being important , Suth Africa relies n agriculture fr our ecnmy aswell as the thousands f jobs created directly and indirectly from agriculture.Soil shuld be seen as a non renewable resurce and with the amound of degradation , sil depletion and soil displacement soil could become very scarce in South Africa , If soil protection policies are not implemented , the soil will nt be able t sustain production for a growing nation

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