Against The Velvet Sky Short Story

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Against the velvet sky By: Avy Doolittle and Kimber Grant

Time seemed to stand still. The air around us seemed quiet. Too quiet(29). I was in Mr.Duncan’s science class, the class where time always stood still. He was standing in front of the class giving us all a lecture on respect when all of a sudden, he disappeared. Poof-gone(15). He literally vanished right in front of our eyes. All of us just looked at each other, wondering if this was some kind of a trick. A few of my friends and I, rushed to the door of the classroom and peered out. There were kids all around in sheer panic. The same thing had happened in their classrooms. We tried to call our parents but no one would answer.Then, the chaos began. Kids screamed, others ran, some found their friends and left the building,but as for me I had only one thought on my mind. I needed to know if my sisters were safe.

I left the school after a while because there …show more content…

Everything seemed to be going as normal. But then,all of a sudden there was crash of thunder and the skies became a dark velvet black. We all rushed outside and looked to the sky. It didn’t look or feel as though would be the storm that would ruin us, but then again it didn’t really look like anything we’d ever seen.

The air around us grew thick and almost stood completely still. The sky seemed to be angry, a stone cold face seeming to seek revenge on the world. It’s deep rich black color occasionally broken by bright flashes of white lightning. The world was quiet as though everyone was waiting on the sky to make the first move. Lainey, Lila and I stood outside of our house and stared out into the complete darkness that surrounded us. The storm had blocked out our one source of light and the town looked almost ghostly against the black sky. We stood in silence for hours, just waiting on the sky. Then, the rain

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