African Women's Role In African Culture

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Have you ever wondered why we have more male African leaders than female? African women have always been active in agriculture, trade, and other economic pursuits, but a majority of them are in the informal labor force .Woman still hold the largest role in the culture. Actually they have a significant role on the African culture.By raising and teaching the kids culture and treating sickness , while the men are usually out working. Even though when men work woman also work and they do not nearly get paid as much as men . Women should be treated more as a equal then a child . another case of sexes in our culture , as not respecting not right

African women holds the strongest roles in african culture like the women in africa show strong roles in everything they do in households .Women participated and the labor force had grown the fastest, the economy experienced the largest reduction in poverty rates. They show a stronger role than male africans Women were often in charge of the spiritual systems in their communities. African women are spiritual leaders and most are selected by other strong women that are heads of the tribes, and not all women were allowed to join the ranks of spiritual leadership. African women have one of the biggest impacts in spirituals roles they hold …show more content…

So without women there towns would be possied and have demon babies . This strong input on cultural roles in the african people probably have the biggest role, only a some are picked not all .Although women play an important role in African society, they suffer legal, economic and social constraints. some laws still treat them as a little kid . That show how wrong they treat beautiful african queens . ‘Women are known to grow 80% of food in Africa, and yet few are allowed to own the land they work on. It is often more difficult for women to gain access

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