Adversarial System Essay

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Common to all criminal courts within Australia, our court system operates on an adversarial system. Within the court a prosecutor represents the crown and a defence representative represents an accused with both parties arguing their side of the case. Sworden (2006) identifies the adversarial system as a process which allows the truth of the matter to be determined. Using evidence, the opposing councils attempt to convince a jury their version of events is true. If the prosecutor convinces the jury “beyond a reasonable doubt” then the accused is found guilty of the crime. Inversely if the defence is able to raise reasonable doubt the accused is found not guilty.

The adversarial system in Australia includes five central features to support in the equality and justice of the system. The conduct of the litigation both prior to and during the trial is left substantially in the hands of the parties; Evidence is generally elicited by a procedure whereby each party in turn calls witnesses whom it questions and who are then cross-examined by the other party with a view to discrediting or casting doubt on the accuracy or relevance of their testimony; The role of the judge is to preside and to act as a form of umpire rather than to take any active part in the selection or questioning of witnesses; The judicial function is designed to be concentrated into one continuous hearing; and, Compliance with the rules of court is, in general, enforced only at the request of one of the parties.

Within Australian criminal courts there are five major stakeholders. These are identified as; the police: who initiate a prosecution by bring an accused before the court. In magistrate court matters the police also act as the prosecutor. The accused is the ...

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...alian adversarial system there is combating force from the government, courts and police to try and maintain these imbalances of power. .Money is often a shortage for most people especially when the high cost of courts is present. To control this imbalance of power the government has put into place a variety of assistance when it comes to criminal and civil cases. In Queensland, legal assistance in criminal matters is controlled by Legal Aid, a body corporate established under the Legal Aid Queensland Act 1997 [2]. Provision is made for legal assistance in the form of legal representation for specific criminal proceedings. Secondly, there are rules and regulations set in place to prohibit any imbalance of power of unjust influences between the two parties. The State is held just as accountable to follow the procedures and regulations as a defendant or prosecutor.

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