Advantages And Disadvantages Of International Order

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This essay attempts to find an answer to the debate if there is an international order and how it’s maintained. In order to answer it, this essay will outline several perspectives, including the advantages and disadvantages, and my personal opinion as a conclusion.
In the last several decades there was a number of significant military, political and economic events, which some argue had a great impact on the international relations. One of such events is the collapse of the Soviet Union. Many politicians and historians have attempted to find the correlation between these events and international order. For example, President of United States of America George Bush said that the new world order was emerging in the 90’s due to the end of …show more content…

They agree that international order emerges in the context of international anarchy. International anarchy refers to a situation where no central governing authority exists above and beyond states; there is no supranational world government that rules the world. Thus, there is no central political authority that can establish rules, force states to obey them, punish states that break the rules, or otherwise arbitrate among states. However, the major theoretical paradigms draw different implications from anarchy.
First of the four main theories about International order I am going to discuss is realism. Realist theory views international relations through the prism of power. For realists, power and the distribution of power are the only important factors in international relations. Realists believe that the nature of the international system is based on conflict, where cooperation between states being possible only in a short term, but still

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