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Global accounting standards are needed in today’s business environment
Importance of accounting standards
Importance of accounting standards
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a) Introduction: This part of analysis is aimed to illustrate several merits and shortcomings of global accounting standards and discusses whether it should be undertaken or not. Arguments for: On the one hand, the global standards may bring about some merits. For some transnational companies, using this kind of standard may contribute to the decrease of cost, like the cost of producing reports and collecting information, handling the misunderstanding and auditing accounts. Furthermore, by applying the global accounting standards, the relevant staffs, auditors would be clearer about the accounting regulations instead of being puzzled to make comparisons with the other companies. Moreover, the global accounting standards can also bring about …show more content…
For some investors, it will result in some direct merits, for instances, there will be no need for them to spend an extra fee on learning different kinds of accounting regulations any more. Except this, the risk of taking poor decision caused by misunderstanding different accounting standards will also be reduced. What’s more, Miles and Nobes (1998) stated that the global accounting standards can reduce the risk of missing investment opportunities through avoiding unfamiliar national accounting. That means global accounting standards can promote the cooperation between companies to contribute more financial transactions. Obviously, the appearance of direct merits sometimes comes along with the indirect merits. It is clear that this accounting standard can cut down the cost of adjusting and removing some barriers to international transactions. By the way, engaging more share investment may cut down the capital cost of a company can also be viewed as one of the indirect advantages. And, it seems that there will be no need for governments to regular and monitor domestic accounting regulations by using global standards any more. Moreover, the global standards can also improve the governments’ efficiency instead of making a wasteful duplication …show more content…
What is more, the segment report can be viewed as a better reference for stockbrokers to judge whether the share of this company can be invested or not. For employees, it appears that they can have access to know the specific operating process of their company, which can improve the transparency and enterprise cohesion. Except these, it will be more convenient for governments to supervise and administrate the relevant companies, because the segment report can better reflect the risk level of a company. For managers, they can periodically evaluate the operating results to determine resource distributions via reading segment report. However, sometimes, geographical information imposes some restrictions, because different areas have different customers, government policy, and regional cultural differences. What is more, obviously, it could be difficult to compare each company’s segment, because not all companies can provide same segment items at the same time. From my own point, segmental reporting can offer usefulness to a large extent whatever in the angles of investors, companies and governments. But it may also bring about some restrictions due to different segments and geographical
According to the FASB Accounting Standards Codification, goodwill is “An asset representing the future economic benefits arising from other assets acquired in a business combination or an acquisition by a not for profit entity...” (glossary). Goodwill is measured by the premium price we pay for a company; we calculate premium price by subtracting the amount we paid by the estimated price (Fair value) of the company and if we paid more goodwill is created. Goodwill is an intangible asset so it has an indefinite life because it cannot lose value over a specific amount of time. We test for impairment to find out if goodwill has kept its value or if it has declined and we test for impairment on an annual basis. However, goodwill in FASB Accounting Standards
We would love for these impacts to always have a positive impact; however the impact can affect a company in a negative manner. “ Researchers Holger Daske, Leuz Hail, Christian Leuz and Rodrigo Verdi examined 3,100 firms in 26 countries mandated to adopt IFRS in “Mandatory IFRS Reporting around the World: Early Evidence on the Economic Consequences”. The study examines the economic effects of IFRS, both early and mandated adoption” (Bolt-Lee). They were able to conclude that a company’s adoption of IFRS creates strong economic benefits in countries with rigid regulation over financial reporting. The article also explains that these benefits include an increase in the stock’s market value, an increase in market liquidity, and a lower cost of capital. Companies with major differences between GAAP and IFRS standards show the greatest benefit when supported by a strong regulatory
Olusegun Wallace, R. 1996. The Development of Accounting Research in the UK. In: Cooke, T. and Nobes, C. eds. 1997. The Development of Accounting in an International Context. London: Routledge, pp. 218-254.
In the world of international finance there are two major accounting systems; GAAP, which stands for Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, and IFRS, which stands for International Financial Reporting Standards. The United States prefers GAAP while the European market, as well as many other countries, prefers IFRS. By 2015 the Securities Exchange Commission is anticipating a total transfer to IFRS in the United States. Though the differences between GAAP and IFRS are few, they could affect accuracy of financial reporting throughout the world. It is important to understand the differences and similarities between both GAAP and IFRS if one is to globalize ones market (Logue).
So it appears that there would be some advantages for many aspects, such as accounting quality, when applying IFRS into various countries. Because IFRS would be able to exclude different options of accounting from national accounting standards which could reduce the divergence of management.[ Ahmed, A. S., Neel, M., & Wang, D. (2013). Does mandatory adoption of IFRS improve accounting quality? Preliminary evidence. Contemporary Accounting Research, 30(4), 1344-1372.](Ahmed, Neel & Wang, 2013) This change is likely to be more advantageous for more users, preparers and auditors to make their economic decisions. (Ramanna & Sletten, 2009)[ Ramanna, K., & Sletten, E. (2009). Why do countries adopt international financial reporting standards?. Harvard Business School Accounting & Management Unit Working Paper, (09-102).] Therefore, these expectations of changes would be beneficial for their local economic
According to Financial Accounting Foundation (2014), the FASB Accounting Standards codification is "the source of authoritative generally accepted accounting principle (GAAP) recognized by the Financial Accounting Standard Board (FASB) to be applied to nongovernmental entities" (FASB.org, 2014). The codification system allows user to access the authoritative content, do research, and give feedback. The purpose of the FASB Codification system is make clear and easier to locating, understanding and applying the accounting standards through using an online database, which developed and issued the standards over the years. The implementation of codification system reduces the amount of time and effort required to resolve accounting research issues.
The accounting principles are constantly changing. Currently, there is a struggle between accountants who want to use the U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Many companies in the United States prefer GAAP over IFRS because GAAP is more rule based, whereas IFRS is principles based. In my accounting classes, we focus on GAAP. If the U.S. decides to switch to IFRS, I will not be as well-equipped when I enter the work force. The best way to overcome this threat is to continue to monitor the situation and see if the U.S. makes the switch.
I have applied the IFRS to audit half-year income statement and statement of finical position from domestic sub-company or oversea branches. This allows me to understand the difficultly of dealing with accounting report form different nations. For example, we have to negotiate each report from the U.S. with their reporter by phone. It would take incredibly long time to explain the difference in order to adjust the figures in the reports. During the stuff training, we have been taught that to be professional at everywhere and anytime. Moreover, I realise that the most important feature to be a professional accountancy is responsibility. This is because that a unit of misallocation will cost other team number a huge amount of work to correct it. The experience of taking notes of weekly conferences between senior managers and PWC partner has indicates that how does change in financial policy influence the accounting treatment. For instant, since vice-perminster Mr Le Ke Qiang who visited China Construction Bank at earlier May. He point out that the Rate of Non-Performing Loans could not exceed 7% in the “BIG Four” Chinese bank. This has led Chinese bank to relax its accounting standard of credit rating. It allows me to understand the relationship between government and financial
There are general rules and concepts that preside over the field of accounting. These general rules, known as basic accounting principles and guidelines, shape the groundwork on which more thorough, complex, and legalistic accounting rules are based. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) uses the basic accounting principles and guidelines as a foundation for their own comprehensive and complete set of accounting rules and standards.
...pt. That is however, not to say that it is without its problems, as previously discussed, it can possibly lead to a two tier system of reporting, despite reducing complexity its flexibility can limit comparability and place a heavy onus in terms of judgement of the preparer. Finally its simplifications may perhaps infringe upon the ease of which a private entity wishes to become public listed company. However, the disadvantages of adopting the standard are fat outweighed by the potential benefits it offers. As more time goes on, we will no doubt see more countries and companies adopting the standard. If capital providers (primarily banks) clearly understand and have confidence in the financial statements prepared under the guidance of the standard; then an SMEs ability to obtain the capital it need improves. Ultimately the economy in which it operates improves.
The globalization of business has resulted in the need for compatible accounting standards that can be used internationally for financial reporting. As a result, the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) were developed by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) to unify the various financial reporting methods and create a single accounting standard which can be applied to any financial statement worldwide (Byatt). The global standardization of financial reporting will increase the readability and enhance comparability of globally traded companies’ financial statements, without the need of conversion or translation. There are a few main differences between the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (U.S GAAP). The increasing recognition and acceptance of the International Financial Reporting Standards by accounting professionals in the United States, will affect the way in which the U.S will record financial statements in the future.
The International Accounting Standards Board, (IASB), began life as the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) in the 1973. The IASC was created in June 1973 as a result of an agreement by the accountancy bodies of Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Ireland and the United States. These countries constituted the Board of IASC at that time.
The success of a company is very dependent upon its financial accounting. In accounting there are numerous Regulatory bodies that govern the accounting world. These companies are extremely important to a company because they set the standards when it comes to the language and decision making of a company. These regulatory bodies can be structured as agencies, associations, commissions, and boards. Without companies like the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC), The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), Internal Accounting Standards Board (IASB), Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and other regulatory bodies a company could not make well informed decisions. In this paper the author will look at only four of them.
According to business, or any organization, Accounting plays a major role in developing and growth of the business. Financial standards of the organization expected as the complexities of business growth and expansion. Hence determining the implementation of the standards can vary according to the type of industry, business or organization.
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) is a set of accounting standards developed by an independent, non-profit making organization popularly known as International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) which was created under the laws of state of Delaware, United States of America, on 8 March, 2001 (IFRS foundation) (IFRS.org, 2017) The objective of the IFRS is to present a unique and comparable accounting framework on how to prepare and disclose their financial statements globally. (Cotter, D., 2012) The most important change that occurred in the history of accounting was the adoption of International Financial reporting standards all around the world.