Adolf Hitler Research Paper

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Biographical Poster
Adolf Hitler was born at 6:30 p.m. April 20th 1889 in the Austrian border town of Braunau Am Inn. His family tree was a mystery that would cause a lifelong source of embarrassment. He was the fourth of six children born to Alois Hitler and Klara Pölzl. Alois was an emotionally harsh, aggressive, and dominating father who didn’t support his son’s dream of a career in the fine arts. For these reasons there was a strain in their relationship. The family moved multiple times; Leoding, Austria in 1894, Hafeld in 1895, back to Leonding in 1898. In 1898 the family moved to Linz. Hitler fought with his father because he wanted to pursue a career in the arts while his father wanted him to enter the civil service. Although his mother …show more content…

He was not able to pursue the career he wanted until his father passed away January of 1903.
Moving to Vienna in 1905 with his mother sixteen year old Adolf was financially supported by orphan benefits and his mother. During this this time he worked as a casual laborer and watercolor painter. Rejected twice by the Academy of Fine Arts led to a period of deep depression, and with his mother having just died, Hitler was out of money and contributing to the population of homeless shelters. During this time Hitler became fascinated by the vast potential of political public control. He found Lueger’s success of propaganda and mass organization impressive. It was around now he formed the ideology that would be his successor, extreme anti-Semitism and racial mythology. May of 1913 Hitler moved to Munich Germany where he lived as an Austrian citizen until he signed up for the Bavarian Army. During his service as a dispatch runner Adolf distinguishes himself, getting him promoted to corporal, earned the Black Wound Badge and the Iron Cross First Class. On October of 1918 Hitler is …show more content…

With the swastika representing their party Hitler speaks at various functions to spread their beliefs and gain support. April 1, 1924 Hitler is sentenced to five years in prison for treason and the NSDAP is banned. During this time Hitler wrote the majority of his autobiography “Mein Kampf” and the Nazi party grew in numbers again. The party’s ban was lifted after Hitler gained democratic power. 1930 to 1934 was eventful looking at Adolf’s political rise. 1930 has the Nazi party holding 10 seats in Parliament, 1932 Adolf is a German citizen and can run for President, 1933 the Jewish Holocaust begins and at least six million Jews are killed in brutal concentration camps, and in 1934 Hitler becomes Germany’s dictator because he agrees to fight communism. In this new position of power Adolf not only abolishes the title of President and changes it to ‘Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor’ but he also makes a new law which led to his party having total control and seizing rival parties assets and sent their leaders to prison. Due to this the other parties were intimidated and consequently stepped down. Being the only party in

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