Adolf Hitler Essay

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Adolf Hitler’s mind was in many ways “complicated.” He was known to have suffered many illnesses ranging from hypertension, headaches, problems with his vision, to abdominal spasms. All of these sicknesses and disabilities could have caused him to not think “clearly,” but the list of his issues goes on and it is believed by some that they are the root cause for the Holocaust and the inhumane actions of Hitler. Hitler growing up unrecognized and insignificant caused him to create a growing need for attention, recognition, and power and these needs only continued to increase with age, but with age came these physical problems and psychological problems such as sadism, anti-Semitism, and national socialism (Nazism). Hitler developed power, but used it for awful things that cannot be blamed on him hearing noises and other “illnesses” he had.

Adolf Hitler has been examined, scrutinized, and picked apart by countless scientists, psychologists, professors, and really anyone with a curiosity about him or the way the human mind works. Hitler is hard to categorize though as someone under one personality disorder. He can’t just be labeled as just one specific thing, such as a sadist. This is because although he hurt so many and clearly enjoyed doing it and thus took pleasure from it, it went beyond hurting people in general, but took it further as to hurt a specific category. Hitler was an anti-Semitist and thus wanted to exterminate Jewish people. Anti-Semitism is defined by the Merriam Webster dictionary as the “hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group,” thus making it a form of racism. Anti-Semitism was not a new idea to the time period of post-World War I.
Hitler moved to Vienna after th...

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...en became the person in charge of it. He transitioned from a child hearing his mayor promote anti-Semitism, to a viscous dictator killing Jews in gas chambers. What possessed Hitler was this extreme desire to “save” his country and his mind must have been pretty warped to believe that his method was the proper way to go about this, he did what he had set out to do. He was a nationalist and put what he wanted for his country above all and went to extreme measures to make it happen. So although Hitler may have had many aches pains, bruises and bumps, most people have issues, but they do not go around trying to extinguish a religious group of people. Hitler went to inhumane measures to create a name for him and go above and beyond being “well known,” but there must have been something pretty twisted underneath that caused him to believe what he was doing was right.

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