What are the differences between an acute injury and a chronic injury or disease? An acute injury is one that happens during a single event not over a period of time while a chronic injury could develop or worsen over time. Chronic injuries usually happen as a result repetitive trauma to the same area injuring it worse every time. If not treated, an acute injury can turn into a chronic injury. There are many times of acute injuries, many of which result from sporting accidents. An acute injury is trauma to a certain area of the body that may or may not cause extensive pain. Acute injuries can be classified as injuries to the bones, muscles, tendons, mencius, and ligaments. When an acute injury occurs, the victim may experience bruising, swelling and sometimes dislocation of the affected area. The time it takes the injury to heal is a better indicator of which type of injury the patient is suffering from.
When treating an acute injury, remember the acronym R.I.C.E. The “R” stands for rest. After an injury occurs, rest is important because it gives the affected area time to attempt to heal itself. The “I” represents ice. Ice is needed to minimize swelling to the injured area. When icing an area, use the twenty minutes off and twenty minutes on. When using ice, be sure to have a barrier between the ice and skin to prevent hypothermia or freezing the skin. An example of a barrier would be a paper towel or some type of cloth. The “C” stands for compression. When compressing an injured area, it also causes the swelling to decrease. When an injury is swollen, it may delay the injury to complete necessary healing. When wrapping to compress an injury, an ACE bandage normally works the best. If you begin to notice a throbbing sensation o...
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...on. Bruises happen when small blood vessels are burst underneath the skin and their contents are spilled under the skin which causes the skin to change colors. A bruise usually normally treats itself within a week or two. An incision normally happens when a doctor has to cut the skin for a medical reason. An incision should be treated like a cut. Some injuries to the eyes are also considered as acute injuries. A punctured eye ball is classified as a tension mechanism injury as well as an abrasion to the cornea.
In conclusion, all acute injuries are painful and should be addressed and cared for properly as soon as possible. If an injury is not cared for properly, it could cause more, long term damage than originally injured. Always remember the acronym R.I.C.E, rest, ice, compression and elevation as the first method of treatment when dealing with an acute injury.
What is the physiologic mechanism causing the wound to become red, hot, swollen, and painful?How is this different than the inflammatory response that might occur in an internal organ?
The current patient may be experiencing a range of traumatic injuries after his accident, the injuries that the paramedic will focus on are those that are most life threatening. These injuries include: a possible tension pneumothroax or a haemothorax, hypovolemic shock, a mild or stable pelvic fracture and tibia fibula fracture.
Inflammation: the response to injured tissue that stops bleeding and causes swelling and warmth as the tissue prepares to repair itself
Sports Medicine is a medical field that specializes with physical fitness, treatment and prevention of injuries related to sports and exercise. It was introduced around the early Greek and Roman era when the first modern Olympic Games took place. The Greek felt they could do something to help heal and prevent injuries that the athletes were receiving. Now in sports medicine, certain injuries can only be assessed and treated by specific physicians. These physicians can include physical therapists, athletic trainers, and strength and conditioning coaches. Although sports physicians are most commonly seen by athletes after they are hurt so they can be treated, there are some physicians that are seen before an injury occurs so that they can learn how to prevent injuries.
All injuries are a serious matter, but upper body injuries are more delicate. “Although the majority of contusions to the most parts of the body result injuries that are self-correcting and without serious consequence, even relatively
...y parts should be elevated above the heart, a tetanus shot is given and the wounds are covered in cool moist bandages to prevent the development of infection. Patients with severe burns are more susceptible to infections so many doctors prescribe a broad stream antibiotic to avoid dealing with further complications. (Web MD, 2009). Minor burns are usually treated with a cool compression and a sterile bandage, avoid keeping the burn moist as it may take longer to heal, minor burns usually clear up on their own.
The data from World Health Organization (WHO) on the leading causes of death worldwide and the global burden of diseases shows that, traumatic injuries are the major cause of mortality, morbidity and disability among children (0 – 14 years) - being responsible for more deaths than the combination of other diseases1. It is against this backdrop that pre-hospital care during emergencies becomes very important in the management of the injured children as it is for adults. In most circumstances, earliest responder who could be a medical doctor, paramedic, or even layman are the first to provide the much needed life saving (basic or advance), vital medical care all with the aim of optimizing the victim’s physiological status prior to arriving nearest medical facility2, 3. Indeed, several evidences suggested that these first life-saving supports have effect on the morbidity and mortality of the injured patient2-4. But, recent researches have also shown that interventions like invasive airway management, IV access and fluid administration are associated with higher rate of complication and failure among paediatric patients, while the few that turned out to be successful were provided by specially trained and experienced personnel3. This is due to the difference in size and overall anatomy of children compared with adult, thus many of these procedures turn out to be difficult or results in complication when performed...
If possible, keep the injured area above the level of your child's heart when your child is sitting or lying down. Keeping the injured area elevated will decrease swelling and pain. Putting the injured arm or leg on a pillow may be helpful.
(A)Wound healing is a biological process occurring in the human body. In this lecture we had discussed about both acute and chronic wounds. An acute wound is an injury to the skin that occurs suddenly rather than over time. It heals at a predictable and expected rate according to the normal wound healing process. The chronic wounds do not heal in an orderly set of stages and in a predictable amount of time the way most wounds do.
In the reaction to the injury itself, there is a primary reaction followed by a secondary reaction. With this ankle sprain, a common primary reaction is that of fear. This athlete can be afraid of many things ranging from them never getting better to never getting to play again to being afraid of the unknown. In order to conquer this fear the athletic trainer needs to help reassure the athlete about their injury. This can be done by presenting the truth about the injury and rehab process in a manner they can understand and gaining the athlete’s trust in the athletic trainer.
Inflammation which is part of the innate immune system is a process by which the body reacts to injury protecting it from infection and foreign substances with the help of the body’s white blood cells “Inflammation can be defined as the body’s local vascular and cellular response to injury caused by factors that invade and injure the body from the outside (exogenous factors) or factors within the body that result in cellular or tissue injury (endogenous) factors” (Battle, 2009, P 238). Factors such as bacteria, viruses, burns, frostbite, chemical irritants, immune reactions and physical injury are examples of factors that can cause inflammation through different mechanisms. It is a protective mechanism with rapid response that neutralizes or destroys agents that causes injury and creates a barrier that limit the injury and prevents its spread to normal tissues (Battle, 2009). Also, it has elements that removes debris and heals the wound generated by the injury. It can be divided into acute and chronic inflammation.
First Aid for bleeding begins by calming and reassureing the victim. Next lay the victim down to reduce the chance of fainting by increasing the blood flow to the brain. Elevate the bleeding area when possible. Clean and remove loose dirt away from the wound. If an object such as a knife, stick, or arrow becomes embedded in the body, do not remove it. Doing so may increase the amount of bleeding and cause more damage. Place gauze and bandages around the object and tape the object in place. Put pressure directly on an external wound with a sterile bandage, clean cloth, or even a piece of clothing. Direct pressure is best for external bleeding, except for an eye injury. Maintain pressure until the bleeding stops. Do not peek at the wound to see if the bleeding has stopped. If bleeding continues and soaks through the material being held on the wound, do not remove it. Simply place another cloth over the first one. Be sure to seek medical attention.
Fractures of facial skeleton may change according to trauma force, direction, and magnitude and impact duration with multiple bones commonly being affected from trauma because of complex and articulating anatomy of the visceral skull. [12]Coexistence of facial injuries and injuries below the clavicles can evoke a number of clinical problems [13]making emergency management a challenge.
Question: 4.1- Discuss and appraise your approach to managing wounds that are classified as either healable, non-healable or maintenance. Comment on the differences of care approaches between these classifications.
First aid trained personnel and the first aid kit are the best tool to prevent further damage to the injured and make sure they are on the recovery path swiftly without any problems.