Acts 1: 9-14

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Acts 1:9-14 describes the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven, and the return of the disciples to Jerusalem. The readings call us to reflect on the meaning of the ascension and on our relationship with the risen and ascended Lord. In addition, the ascension of Jesus is described in the passage of Luke 24:51, “-“While he was blessing them, he withdrew, from them and was carried up into heaven.” The Book of Acts is evidently a continuous of the Gospel of Luke, to be read in parallel. The content pertains to the deeds and the doctrines of the Lord Jesus Christ, ending with His ascension. Jesus Christ’ final words, Luke tells us, were orders to the apostles He had chosen. These orders were given, Luke includes, “by the Holy Spirit.”
The purpose then of Acts is to provide an account of that which Jesus continued to do through His church, by means of the Holy Spirit. What Jesus Christ began to do and to teach, the Holy Spirit would continue to do, through the church.
In these words, Jesus …show more content…

For example, Jesus Christ mentioned that the Holy Spirit would cause the apostles to be godly witnesses. This connection also echoes the Old Testament. On a number of occasions, the Spirit of God gave his people power to speak boldly and effectively on God's behalf. “But as for me, I am filled with power with the spirit of the Lord” (Micah 3:8). In this text, Micah expounds that the Spirit had emboldened him to speak the truth. So, when Jesus Christ told his apostles that he would immerse them with the Holy Spirit to empower them as his witnesses, he indicated that the Holy Spirit would act in them as he had acted through others in the Old Testament. The Holy Spirit would also perform acts of power to validate the truth of the apostles' message, and he would give them words to speak to those who opposed them. And these illustrations of the Holy Spirit appear repeatedly in the book of

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