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Alternative medicines better than modern
Modern alternative traditional medicine
Modern alternative traditional medicine
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Recommended: Alternative medicines better than modern
Alternative Use of Acai
“Acai is a berry grown on the acai palm tree (Euterpe oleracea), which is native to tropical Central and South America and grows mainly in floodplains and swamps “(Ulbricht et al. 2012). Acai is being used as an alternative medicine for several diseases or conditions. In the United States acai is being used for weight-loss, anti- aging remedies, antioxidants, and as an oral contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the gastrointestinal tract (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2012, NCCAM). Before we can use an alternative medicine treatment there needs to be research or trials done to prove the efficacy of the treatment. There are studies about acai that prove or disprove the claims of its use. The evidence or the science proves some uses of acai, but there is more research that needs to be done. There are contraindications for acai just like with all medicines and people need to be aware of this before they try any new medicines or treatments.
There have been several claims for the use of acai- the whole tree from the berry to the root. The acai berry is used to treat diarrhea, the root for jaundice, the rind is used for skin ulcers and the seeds used to treat fevers. Other claims are for treatment of diabetes, liver disorders, hair loss, hemorrhage, kidney disease, and menstrual and muscle pain (Ulbricht et al. 2012). These are some of the unconventional uses that have been used in Brazil (Ulbricht et al. 2012). There are several claims that acai can treat several conditions in the United States. One claim is that it is used with the treatment of MS. There are no studies to evaluate the safety or effectiveness of acai in the treatment of MS (Bowling, A. ...
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... through the same regulations as a medicine does. Acai has not had definitive scientific research based on human studies to support the claims for health related purposes. Alternative medicines have been used when people seek other methods of treatment due to the traditional doesn’t work, they want to be more homeopathic or they just don’t want to take any more medications. When trying alternatives to traditional medicines there is research that should be done. We have to be responsible and do the research, use other resources like a doctor or medical web sites. Money is a motivator to make false or unfounded claims about how a product works. Acai may turn out to be a product that does all the things they say it does, but more research and human trials are needed before we start taking this alternative medicine and think that it is the cure all to everything.
In India, one of the greatest rulers is now being put on trial. His name is Asoka, and he is currently remembered as a wise king, but some scholars believe there is some evidence to argue with that. They say that he was a merciless vanquisher. Now historians have a question, was Asoka an enlightened ruler or a ruthless conqueror? In my opinion, although Asoka might have made a few mistakes, he always put his country first, was a dedicated ruler, and he was very conscious of his mistakes.
an administration to analyze, research, and regulate what herbs are in supplements, and their acceptable uses.
CDER, by current law, all new drugs need proof that they are effective and safe before they can
One of the reasons that there is so much confusion is the lack of involvement by Federal Food and Drug Administrations in herbal remedies. The Dietary Supplement Health Education Act of 1994 put herbal remedies into the category of dietary supplements. This means that these herbal remedies are not subjected to the same sort of testing that over-the-counter or prescription medications are (USFDA). Michael Mc Guffin, the president of the American Herbal Producers Association has said that testing of these products is unnecessary because, “ these products are tested by years and years of use”.
Each year, people spend billions of dollars on pharmaceutical drugs, but what if there was an option that was cheaper and natural? Herbal medicine has been around for thousands of years and shows no sign of stopping. Many are familiar with Aloe Vera, a plant commonly used to treat burns, but it can also be used to speed the healing process of cuts. Herbal remedies have been around for a long time and have saved lives, like little Teddy’s life in No Witchcraft for Sale.
Yes, Clemson has a listserv for all PhD students in the educational leadership department, but this listserv does not include the master’s program students in student affairs. As it stands now, there is very little communication between the two programs. I am a member of the PhD listserv, I could use the list serve as a tool to disseminate information as an ACPA Ambassador. However, I think the benefits of creating a new listserv are far greater. In doing so, I could target all students in the student affairs program/students with aspirations of working in student affairs in the doctoral program, along with new student affairs professionals here at Clemson. This method would be more strategic in my opinion.
The major use for herbal medicines is for the promotion of health and for therapy for chronic conditions, instead of being used for life-threatening conditions; except in the event of say advanced cancer or new infectious diseases when conventional medicine practices no longer are working an individual may use traditional remedies. While traditional medicines are often mistaken that because they are natural that they are safe, non-toxic, which is not always the case. In cases when an individual is taking herbs with prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, or other herbs that may cause some adverse side affects. As a flourishing commercial enterprise, it doesn’t matter why an individual uses traditional medicines, it provides important health care services for individuals that have access physically or finantually to allopathic
For many centuries, humanity has been on an eternal quest for cures and treatments for many chronic conditions. At the present time, conventional medicine is mostly performed by doctors and other health care professionals, with the extensive use of pharmaceutical drugs, surgery or radiation treatments for disease treatment. Conversely, even though not as popular, complementary and alternative medicine and treatment options are slowly gaining popularity and becoming an addition to traditional medicine.
Lindberg, D. (n.d.). Herbal Medicine: MedlinePlus. U.S National Library of Medicine. Retrieved May 7, 2014, from http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/herbal
Many tests and laboratory experiments on alternative medicines based on animal venom and plants have shown promise. Some have even prevented the spread of cancer cells, or become pain killers. And that is not even the best part: natural therapies are not loaded with the chemicals so common in mainstream medicine, thus making them safer. Yet these results are stifled by the medical community, which is not only unethical, but it is potentially dangerous for those battling disease. In some cases, the pharmaceutical owned medical community goes so far as to sue or debase physicians who practice alternative medicine, thereby keeping their clientele safely in their grasp. Lives are being played with and new ideas are being stifled: in the United States. Other nations- European, Asian, and Australian- are practicing and discovering the merits of alternative medicine. Yet the nation so proud of its freedoms is shutting down research on treatments which may save lives- all for money. Because nat...
Traditional medicine plays a vital role in health care, which is based on scientific researches, rigorous experiments and clinical practices (World Health Organization, 2000). With the growth of chronic diseases, ageing and the diversity pathogenic factors, the medical environment, and conditions have changed. In recent decades, modern scientific medicine was developed in the Western world, such as Europe and the United States, which considered complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) as normal treatment. Alternative healthcare aim to treat physical and mental illness, using methods such as acupuncture, homeopathy and herbal medicine (ibid). Singh and Ernst (2009) state that alternative medicine has limited efficacy for certain ailments,
Ginger has been known to have tremendous anti-inflammatory effects. It contains gingerols, which is a potent anti-inflammatory compound that is believed to reduce the pain levels for people who have arthritis. Ginger also helps in improving the mobility of arthritic patients particularly does who are suffering from osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. In studies conducted in patients who responded to conventional drugs and those who didn’t, researchers found that 75% of arthritis patients and 100% of patients suffering with muscular discomfort experienced relief in swelling and pain. Other neurodegenerative diseases can also be aided by ginger’s ability to inhibit the production of nitrous oxide and proinflammatory cytokines.
Bitter melon is a popular fruit in Asian countries, especially India and China, for its unique flavor and disease treatment properties. Bitter melon is originally from India, but eventually spread to China and other Asian countries during the fourteenth century (“Health Benefits of Bitter Melon” 1). The fruit is green, oblong in shape, and has a very rough exterior. True to its name, bitter melon has a distinctive bitter taste, and is considered a delectable ingredient in cooking (Peng). For hundreds of years, the Chinese have successfully used bitter melon for its therapeutic properties (Bao 2). Many Asians use bitter melon as a part o...
It is low in sugar, but high in nutrients, such as calcium and iron, which allows it to be classified as a superfood. The acai berry has been used to treat a huge array of conditions over the years. It has been used as a treatment for diarrhea, ulcers, and infections. Non-edible products that utilize the healing properties of the acai berry include conditioners, moisturizers, and shampoos.
Frequently a person believes that herbal medicine is more naturally safe and soothing than drugs. Nevertheless, there’s no reasonable defense about this. Though many consumers trusted herbal medicine much more than the synthetic medicine because it’s safe and effective, but like anything else, it has its own limitations too. There are several hostile issues related to herbal medicine that has been quite alarming. Notwithstanding, majority of the most popular herbs are at least nearly safe.