Abigail Williams In The Crucible

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“ A wild thing may say wild things. But not so wild, I think..” Abigail Williams is a 17 year old girl who lives with her uncle. In the past John Proctor and Abigail Williams had an affair while she was his servant. Now Abigail is obsessed with John and will do anything to get him to be her’s. Abigail and I are similar but only in a few ways like we both get jealous, were passionate , and we both are strong leaders. Abigail and I can both get jealous sometimes. Abigail and I both tend to get jealous about one thing, the ones we love. Abigail gets jealous when it comes to John Proctor and his wife Elizabeth. Meanwhile I get jealous when my boyfriend talks about another girl. Not because I don’t trust him, I do but I don’t trust teenage girls, …show more content…

Abigail is very passionate about her feelings with John Proctor. Since her affair with John Abigail has tried to win him over multiple times. Abby only wants John to love her and not Elizabeth. I’m very passionate about music. I’m in the marching band and in concert band. I concentrate on my singing and understanding of music if incase someday I could be famous. I mainly am passionate about art. I love being able to use artistic ability to express myself. I love how I feel when I draw, paint, or take a picture. I want to be an art teacher when I grow up to share my love for the arts. I’m very passionate about music and the …show more content…

Abigail was a very strong leader among the girls. By threatening them she had got the girls to all convince the town and accuse witchcraft. I am also considered a leader within my friends. My friend Aspyn had said “You know what to do in every situation”. In sticky or tough situations I always know a way to help a person out. I am also officer for the schools club Artin Spartans. I’m seen as a leader and am in charge of multiple activities and responsibilities in the club. In Artin Spartans or outside of the club people will ask me what they should do in situations or as a guide. I’m always there for anyone in need and will show them how to do

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