Abcp Legalizing Marijuana

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The Office of National Drug Control Policy often refers to marijuana as a substance that alters the senses of the human body or has serious health consequences. The ONDCP is “committed to restoring balance to U.S drug control efforts by coordinating an unprecedented government-wide public health and public safety approach to reduce drug use and its consequences (” The New York Times have produced a series of articles by various authors that advocates the ending of marijuana prohibition in the United States. The articles argue various different reasons as to why recreational use of marijuana should be legal. The ONDCP’s reasons for not legalizing marijuana are completely ridiculous. Their reasons are biased as proved by the various …show more content…

Marijuana has been proven by numerous studies to be used among all races equally. No study on Marijuana has ever identified a particular race that uses the substance more than others. While all races share the usage of marijuana equally it is people of color are often the victims of marijuana arrests. Jesse Wegman the author of the article “The Injustice of Marijuana Arrests” states that, “Blacks and whites use marijuana at comparable rates. Yet in all states but Hawaii, blacks are more likely than whites to be arrested for marijuana offenses (6).” The ONDCP is aware of the unfairly biased arrests, but chooses to do nothing about the situation except for making excuses as to why these arrests needs to be done. To understand the reasoning behind the specific targeting of the arrests, one must read between the lines of the arrests. The people who are targeted by the police for marijuana possession are minorities living in the ghettos. These minority groups have a much harder time using marijuana recreationally due to the confinement in the ghetto. Minorities in this situation are easier to target since they have no choice but to engage in marijuana based activities in the open, with the fear of being reported to police officers by neighbors or being caught by the police officers themselves. The situation is completely different, however for the whites, who have a higher probability of living in the suburbs. It is much harder to target whites as a result of this. They are able to engage in marijuana usage on the porch of their own homes without the fear of neighbors or police officers noticing. The ONDCP is also able to control political influences and limit the rights of minorities by targeting specific races for marijuana. Being charged for

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