AMHCA Ethical Codes

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Understanding the American Counseling Association (ACA) and the American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA) ethical codes is an important aspect of developing one’s professional identity as a mental health counselor. More specifically, in order for a counselor to be professionally competent and ensure he/she is able to uphold ethical boundaries, it is essential that one becomes familiar with the codes. Furthermore, both ethical codes share a multitude of similarities as well as differences, including that the AMHCA code of ethics profoundly draws from the ACA code of ethics. However, it is important to note that the AMHCA code presents ethical criteria geared specifically towards mental health counselors whereas the ACA code …show more content…

Moreover, both codes strive to promote the wellness, autonomy, and right to justice for individuals utilizing services. A further similarity between the two codes includes standards on sexual and/or romantic relationships with former clients, such as a counselor is prohibited from engaging in a sexual and/or romantic relationship with a former client for a minimum of 5 years after the last known professional encounter (ACA Code of Ethics, 2014, p. 5; AMHCA Code of Ethics, 2010, p. 4). Although engaging in a sexual and/or romantic relationshup with a former client may seem unlikely, this distinction and timeframe might be valuable to some individuals throughout their career. Furthermore, both ethical codes agree that when a counselor counsels multiple clients, such as individuals in a relationship, the counselor must clearly deliniate the roles within the theraputic dynamic and adjust and/or terminate the dynamic if the roles become unclear at any point (ACA Code of Ethics, 2014, p. 6; AMHCA Code of Ethics, 2010, p. 5). This is important to note due to the fact that the issue of multiple relationships in a therapeutic setting occurs frequently. In respect to termination, both ethical codes state that a counselor does not abandon or neglect a client, but rather make appropriate refferals as needed (ACA Code of …show more content…

In respect to counseling mandated individuals, the ACA code delinates the ethical guidelines to follow, but the AMHCA code does not mention this obligation (ACA Code of Ethics, 2014, p. 4; AMHCA Code of Ethics, 2010). It is important for counselors as a profession as well as specifically mental health counselors to understand how to ethically address mandated clients. Furthermore, as the ACA code states, it is important to counselors to discuss with clients the reprocutions for refusing services due to being mandated for treatment (ACA Code of Ethics, 2014, p. 4). Interestingtly, the AMHCA code does not include ethical standards for terminating a supervisory relationship whereas the ACA code does (ACA Code of Ethics, 2014, p. 13; AMHCA Code of Ethics, 2010). Such that the ACA ethical code indicates that both parties have the right to terminate the relationship and the supervisor should make a refferal (ACA Code of Ethics, 2014, p. 13; AMHCA Code of Ethics, 2010). It appears as though this is a highlighted difference between the expectations in a supervisor/supervisee relationship between mental health counselors and counselors as a professional entity. When addressing clients who are also receiving services from other professionals, the ACA and AMHCA codes present different guidelines for how to

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