A Wasted Life in "Krapp's Last Tape"

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Samuel Beckett's "Krapp's Last Tape" is about a man, Krapp, who through his spools of tape, looks back on his life whilst alone in his den. He is at present sixty-nine years of age and has retrieved a spool, which dates back thirty years, age thirty-nine. My opinion is that he is an alcoholic and that he has let himself go, so much so, that he wears ragged clothes, his appearance is of a scraggy, unshaven old man. His mind works in the same manner as his body: slow and labored. He refers to his alcoholism by saying "a man in my condition" and his resolutions, in which he promised to drink less. He realizes that he has spent approximately forty percent of his life in bars drinking. He is sitting and thinking of how he remembered his mother's death "Celebrated the awful occasion, as in recent years, quietly at the winehouse." As he thinks of this, he realizes how lonely he is. He is isolated and very much on his own. He even remarks to himself how silent the night is and that Old miss McGlone always sings at that particular hour. Not tonight. Where is she? He remembers twelve yea...

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