A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings Analysis

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In the short story “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” the overtone of it is that they do not care and are not phased by the fact that he may be an angel. They brush it off and keep him locked up like a wild animal, “and before going to bed he dragged him out of the mud and locked him up with the hens in the wire chicken coop” (page 354). Every time they spoke about the angel they sounded as if he was not a real being, complaining of his presence as if it were an unwanted pest in the house. The tone is jaded and unconvinced, making the whole story seem as if it were only a minor inconvenience. The whole town, it seems isn’t at all bothered by the idea of a very old, and fragile angel losing its way and ended up locked in a chicken coop. Pelayo

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