A Thousand Years Mood

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“Music not only changes our mood, but it also changes the way we think and our perception of the world”- Anonymous. Music is like a piano master who plucks at the keys on our personal pianos, and bends them to their own whim. We are all but puppets. This can be observed in the song “A Thousand Years”, where beauty reaches its peak. “ A Thousand Years” is a song in which a lover expresses her love for another, only to be weighed down by a tiny doubt of acceptance. This songs has some reference to the love story of Bella and Edward from The Twilight Saga. Every lyric of this song radiates the feeling of love. In fact the lines “Darling, don’t be afraid I have loved you” and “I’ll love you for a thousand more” directly address the emotion of …show more content…

All of these quiet and soothing instruments produce a very calm mood. I personally listen to this song on days when I need to calm myself down, and just lure myself to sleep. Hope. Generally speaking, hope is another one of the most prominent moods portrayed by the song “A Thousand Years”. Throughout the entire video candles can be seen in massive amounts. As a matter of fact, there are a few points in the video where the entire background is full of a million candles glowing amidst the moonlight. Another representation of hope can be observed in the 0:06 where the singer is holding a candle in her hands which are bound by handcuffs. This small image represents hope. The singer may be bound by some restriction, yet she holds a candle of hope against the dark sky. Then at 0:18 the Christina Perri who is the singer of the song is standing near the window staring outside at the calming blue sky and river. Personally I always connect nature to peacefulness and hope, so this image portrays hope in my eyes. In a fraction of a second, at 0:43 ,the eyes of the singer reflect deep pools of hope in them, due to light from the candle in her

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