A Study of Prisoners and Guards in a Simulated Prison

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A Study of Prisoners and Guards in a Simulated Prison


This study was funded by the US Navy, as it and the US Marine Corps

were interested in finding out the causes of conflict between guards

and prisoners in the naval prisons. Attempts to explain the violent

and brutal conditions often found in prisons had previously used

dispositional attribution. That is, that the state of the prison is

due to the nature of the prison guards and the prisoners.

For example, it had been argued that prison guards bring to their jobs

a particular ‘guard mentality’ and are therefore attracted to the job

as they are already sadistic and insensitive people. Whereas prisoners

are individuals who have no respect for law and order and bring this

aggressiveness and impulsivity to the prison.

Philip Zimbardo was interested in testing this dispositional

hypothesis by demonstrating that the conditions of the prisons were

not a result of the type of individuals working and incarcerated in

the prisons and hoped to go on to help the Navy develop training,

which would eliminate the deplorable conditions in the prisons.

Zimbardo believed that the behaviour in prisons could be best

explained using a situational attribution. In particular he believed

that the condition were influenced by the social roles that prisoners

and prisoner guards are expected to play.

We all play many roles in society and these social roles do to some

extent shape our identity. Each role we play brings with it certain

rules or expectations about how we should behave.


The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of being assigned

to the role of ei...

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prisoners and guards may have arisen from the stereotyped expectations

of how prisoners and guards should behave. That is, the participants

were only role-playing. However, Zimbardo would strongly suggest that

the participants’ experiences were all too real and that even if they

were only role-playing at the beginning of the study, as the study

progressed they were internalising these roles and they could no

longer differentiate between role-playing and self.

It is also worth noting that Zimbardo’s argument can be seen as too

deterministic. For example in Zimbardo’s study not all of the

participants behaved in the same way. For example, some of the guards

were less willing to abuse their power. Perhaps the reason why some

of the participants were less willing was something to do with their


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