A Significant Journey in My Life - Original Writing

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A Significant Journey in My Life - Original Writing

As my family and I were returning from our short summer vacation in

the in the mysterious and magical island on Bermuda a very unexpected,

sad but true occasion occurred. After I had witnessed this occasion my

view on life has never been the same again.

The day we leaving to come back home from our travels abroad was one

of the hottest days I will probably encounter in my entire life. We

were in our taxi and travelling about 20mph because of all the

traffic, there was 5 people squeezed into a little car and the sun was

beaming down on us through the sunroof. All I wanted to do was get out

and run a cold hose all over my body, my whole was feeling sluggish

and tired due to the heat. We were driving along the edge of the

beach, we could see people jumping in and out of the water, and

running along the beach with a football.

As we drove down that road we could see the little public toilets and

little huts along the edge of the beach, the little huts were trading

places, during 6 in the morning and 11 at night little men would sit

in portable chairs and sell sunglasses and hats, deck chairs, or

refreshments. Most of them would be lucky to sell an item a day, as

most the tour guides recommended to us, not to buy items from these

establishments. Bermuda gave me the impression; during the time I was

there, that it was a calm country, that there wasn’t any

discrimination between citizens of the country. On that journey home I

thought to myself that Bermuda would be an ideal place to have a

holiday home in. I could imagine myself coming to Bermuda every

summer, and just relaxing for a...

... middle of paper ...

...area to

get on to the plane back to England. Just before we were boarding my

dad received a phone call on his mobile phone, I overheard a bit of

the conversation, he was talking to his friend about how the guards

and how they only kept us behind because of the colour of our skin, he

said that it is terrible ever since 9/11.

When we all ready to leave on the plane the Muslim family walked down

the isle late, and as they past our isle the Muslim man said to my dad

‘ Ridiculous innit’ my dad sighed.

During that journey home I really thought about how difficult it must

be some people who must have it so much more worse then us. I know

that racism is a factor in the world nowadays, although it is only a

small minority of people that are racist. Ever since that journey home

I have seen the world in a different light.

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