Clarification of the research question is at the end of the opening section and states that the study was “designed to evaluate the use of a quantitative instrument to measure caring in the nursing simulation environment.” This question is consistent with the problem statement of evaluating the correlation between caring and nursing simulations.
Ethical Considerations
All participants in this study were fully aware that the study was to be scored. It is important to note that the students were also made mindful of the fact the caring scores generated during this study had no effect on their grade in the course.
According to Kaplan, the methods section should provide sufficient information for the study to be reproduced (Kaplan, 2012). The study does acknowledge that their 57 study participants sample is too small for adequate analysis, but this can still be an acceptable number of participants, as there is no defined number for an appropriate sample size (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2014). More specifically, the sample included 57 participants in their junior year at the same college of nursing encompassing six different clinical groups that were all currently enrolled in their second acute care course. The groups were evenly divided between traditional students (28 students) and accelerated students (29 students). There were 10 males and 47 females selected. This sample size is representative of the target population of nurses, which is 17.5%, which according to the National League for Nursing in 2012 in baccalaureate programs nationally is 14% ( Selection biases were not addressed in the research study, which could influence the outcome of the study if the study p...
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...hile the study is lacking in some areas, such as literature review and a more thorough results discussion, it is evident that these authors have developed an appropriate scale for scoring that has shown through statistical analysis that it is a valid resource in measuring caring.
Works Cited
Eggenberger, T. L., Keller, K. B., Chase, S. K., & Payne, L. (2012, November/December2012). A Quantitative Approach to Evaluating Caring in Nursing Simulation. Nursing Education Perspective, 33(6), 406-409. Retrieved from
Kaplan, L. (2012, October 2012). Reading and Critiquing a Research Article. American Nurse Today, 7(10). Retrieved from
LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2014). Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, Inc.
Research Rundowns > Quantitative Methods > Instrumentation, Validity, Reliability
Burns, N., & Grove, S. K. (2011). Understanding nursing research: building an evidence-based practice (5th ed.). Maryland Heights, MO: Elsevier/Saunders
Polit, D. F. & Beck, C. T. (2012). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (9th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott.
Leo Buscaglia once said, “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” In the field of nursing, this concept could not be illustrated more profoundly. The trait of caring within nursing is arguably the most important trait that a nurse could possess. It can be defined in various ways, but to me, caring is the act of being moved or compelled to action by feelings of compassion, empathy, sympathy, anger, intention, sadness, fear, happiness, protection, enlightenment, or love in light of another human being. There are many aspects to the term “caring”. It is an ever-present shape shifter, swiftly
setting. Journal of Nursing Education, 41(2), 61-68. Retrieved from CINAHL Plus with Full Text database.
Caring is the “central theme and core of nursing caring tapestry” (Otterbein University, 2009, p. 2). When developing caring characteristics as a nurse and caring interventions, this in return helps
...dy, data analysis is well organized and the findings were applicable to the nursing profession. The article could have extended the literature review but it is likely there is a lack of research to review on this topic. The findings in this research should be utilized into practice. Even though more research is needed in this field it would benefit everyone to create supportive environments. There is little that can be done to decrease the demand on nurses but the profession can become aware of the need to support each other.
Caring is the biggest aspect in the nursing field. Aspiring nurses choose to become nurses because they want to care for people in ways that most professions cannot do. Without caring nursing would not be the field it is today. The culture of caring involves intervening programs that help to build caring behaviors among nurses. As nurses become stressed and become down on their life it has shown that caring for oneself before others is key in caring for patients. Lastly, throughout the years many theorists have proven that caring has come from many concepts and ideas that relate directly to ICU nursing.
In gathering articles for this review, numerous methods were used to narrow journal articles that were relevant to nursing. A search was conducted on EBSCO HOST for key terms such as ________. This was narrowed down to articles which were between 2009 and 2014, plus articles which had full text...
Cullum, N. Ciliska D. and R. Haynes, Marks (2008;) Evidence – based Nursing: An Introduction.
On the other hand, I learned new concepts and terms. Simulation repeats some essential aspects of patient situation so that the situation may be understood and managed when it occurs in real clinical practice. Students in the school of nursing use the simulation learning center to learn and get experience in the field. The simulation is an educational process that requires the learner to demonstrate procedural techniques, decision making, and critical thinking. I learned that a simulation experience allows students to critically analyze their own actions and reflect on their own skill set. As a nursing student, I learned you have to complete clinical hours and practice in the simulation learning center. To become a certified nurse there are many training courses, exams to pass, and in the field experience to complete. Health professionals such as a nurse,
McCance,T.V.,McKenna, H. P., & Boore, J. R. P. (1999). Caring: Theoretical perspectives of relevance to nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing,30, 1388 – 1395.
In health care, evidence-based research is crucial. Nurses revolve their practice on evidence so that they may provide the best health care. Without research, there would be no evidence to prove health care related findings (Shmidt & Brown, 2012). With appropriate
Simulated based education is a method that can be used within the field of nursing to accomplish this goal. Forms of Simulated Nursing Education Simulated based education is training and an educational method that can use many different types of simulators. Dr. Broussard said, “A wide range of simulators are available to nurse educators. Models range from equipment that is used to teach a simple, single skill such as intravenous access to very advanced, realistic equipment that can be used to simulate reality-based scenarios in a clinical setting such as an intensive care unit.” (Broussard, L. 2009)
For nursing, research has played a major role in the way clinical practice is done. Research has allowed nurses to provide appropriate care to patients. It allows them to perform their job by providing them the tools and information they need in order to make the decisions on the concerns for caring the patient (Polit & Beck, 2006). Moreover, research can also take focus on the workers themselves in order to improve the practice both on a professional and personal level. An example of a study conducted by King, Vidourek, and Schweibert of University of Cincinnati created a study to determine if there is a correlation between ...
Simulation is something that looks, feels, or behaves like something else, usually used for the education or training of people (Merriam-Webster). Simulation has been used as an educational and training tool for hundreds of years by various fields and professions. Recent years have seen an increase in the number of nursing students and a decrease in clinical experience available. The field of nursing has always used some type of simulation in its curriculum and now its use is changing and on the rise. Now we have to ask ourselves: is simulation an acceptable substitute for clinical experience?