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Analysis of Barack Obama's inaugural speech
Analysis of obama's inaugural address
Analysis of Barack Obama's inaugural speech
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Obama Guides Us Towards Perfection On March 18, in the year 2008, Senator Barack Obama gave a speech titled “A More Perfect Union”. Obama spoke of unity and how it is a necessity if America is to succeed. He also spoke of ethnic tensions and explained how prominent of an issue racism is today. In the speech, Obama showed his love for the country and demonstrates skills all presidents should have. Obama displayed his patriotism throughout the entirety of his speech. His noteworthy loyalty to this country became apparent to me within his first few remarks. He spoke of the Founding Fathers with pride that could only come from deep within and acknowledged how far we have come as a country. This progress Obama spoke of had nothing to do with wealth or world standing. The progress Obama was referring to involved our country’s morality. The goal the United States is striving to reach is written in that 221 year old— now 230 year old—document. The goal was equality for all. As Obama touched on in the speech, achieving this goal is not as easy as it seems. For some inadequate reason, African Americans and other ethnic groups were not given these rights of freedom and equality. Since this time, however, many advancements have been made towards equality for all The part of the speech where I noticed his readiness to lead was when he said he could not disown Reverend Wright, his former pastor. Reverend Wright had said things that completely went against Obama’s campaign. Most politicians would have berated the man and denied any relations with him. Obama instead acknowledged what distasteful things the Reverend had said, but also defended the man by explaining what time period his former pastor grew up in. These comments Obama made convinces me Obama is fit to lead. If only focusing on the ability to be a leader, I believe most Americans would agree that Obama was qualified to take
Roy Peter Clark, author of “A More Perfect Union”: Why It Worked, takes a stance on President Barack Obama’s speech while analyzing it. President Barack Obama delivered a speech titled “A More Perfect Union.” His speech focused on the prominent issue of racism in America. In this article, Clark talks about President Obama’s known power and brilliance. Clark makes references and comparisons to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and W.EB. DuBois. “A More Perfect Union” features writing techniques that makes the message more defined and effective. President Obama utilizes four closely related rhetorical strategies. Clark broadly explains the purpose of the rhetorical strategies. Allusion, parallelism, two-ness, and autobiography helped to shape President Obama’s speech that that was meant to create
He uses allusion and repetition of words to prove his points about racial discrimination. His main goal is for the country to stay united and put discrimination aside, and continue the path of the ones who came before us. Obama alludes to the civil war by saying,” continue the long march” which illustrates the march that the north did to the south to stop race discrimination, as well as the fact how the north opposed with slavery and wanted to make south stop (1). The other device he uses in his speech was the repetition of words by using the word “more” to express his main goal and focus. Although the country is so called “free” his main goal is still to improve America in every way possible and put race discrimination completely aside. In the speech, he expresses his tone by saying,” more just, more equal, more free, more caring, and more prosperous America.” Which goes to the fact that he is trying to even improve America more in every way possible. If we improve our country even more, then we will not be having any issues in our
“A More Perfect Union” was delivered by Barack Obama on March 18, 2008. At the time her gave the speech he was senator and running in the president election. Obama responded to his former pastor Jeremiah Wright, and also discussed the issue with race in America. This problem is important to us as a whole, because we went through plenty of racism in the past. He wants the prevent those incidents from according again. He did an excellent job using rhetoric tools to support his beliefs, which led to a successful election.
From his extremely vivid imagery at the beginning to his conclusion that America plans to seek a solution with Russia and other nations, the president’s flow from using pathos to logos to ethos made his speech very effective and compelling. His argument was backed up and supported all through out his speech, which helped his audience believe that what he was saying is true and important. However, his speech would have been nothing without the implication and opinion that America is the strongest nation in the world. Although this point is debatable, it is our duty to help other nations. We definitely do an excellent job at helping other nations and always having their best interests at heart. I believe this was the main goal for Obama’s speech; a plan to protect the United States. The use of logos, ethos and pathos just helped his speech to be more persuasive and
Does being American mean working together or is it everyone for themselves? Unification will solve the issues troubling America, like privileges, education, and healthcare. The so called white privilege that all other races blame as the reason they get passed up for jobs or use as a way to hide their insecurities , the crumbling education system that is separating the rich from the poor during childhood, and the horrible healthcare system that causes the poor to remain uninsured. The speech given by Senator Barack Obama in 2008 called “A More Perfect Union” as a response to Reverend Wright’s preaches about racism. Using the comments as a platform, Senator Obama addresses other issues in the country. This speech
He is very optimistic about his speech in the first line. However, he bluntly addressed the issues of hardship, which African-Americans endured while America was beginning to become a stronger symbol of hope and freedom. He acknowledged the experience of wealth which his race became accustomed to, the ghetto poverty. He recognized the right of each color and pale man who contains the right to live, liberty, and the pursuit of true happiness. As bluntly as he began his speech, he boldly pointed out the Supreme Law of The Land- the Constitution - and quoted the Declaration of Independence as it was.
As the President was ending his speech, he gives recognition to those American that are often overlooked. Due to, not having a political title or a high social class position. Throughout these recognitions, the president said “I see it”, which allows viewers to feel a sense of appreciation. By him addressing all walks of life, Americans were able to identify with the various situations and feel worthy and important. For example, Obama said “I see it in the American who served his time, and made mistakes as a child, but now is dreaming of starting over and I see it in the business owner who gives him that second chance.” This was impactful because there are millions of Americans that can relate to this story. So when they hear the president recognizing them despite one’s shortcomings is heartwarming. Furthermore, this emotional appeal leaves viewers with a good feeling about Obama, because they feel he understands them and has their best interest at heart. Therefore, Obama succeeded at being the voice of the people and touching their heart with his empathy and positive
...or the people of his same country, the United States of America. In my opinion, he is a rare politician who has bold, innovative policies, and a man such as this running for office would ensure such great things for our country. The Audacity of Hope is nothing but common sense, his aesthetic appeals and persuasive ways are incredible, and I would definitely read the book a second time. After completing the book, I respect Barack Obama as our current president, and I most definitely believe that Barack, the Democratic/Republic government and all independent citizens across the country should take into consideration some traditionally liberal ideas that are available in order to make this country a better place for everyone.
He mentions the very recent violence that occurred in Selma, Alabama; where African Americans were attacked by police while preparing to march to Montgomery to protest voting rights discrimination. Without mentioning this violent event that occurred a week prior, there would not be much timeliness to his argument, and it wouldn’t have been as effective. The timeliness of his argument gave the speech a lot more meaning, and it heightened the emotions of many who heard the address. He is appealing to the emotions of many American people, both Congressmen and ordinary citizens, to encourage them to support his cause. He reminds us of all of the Americans around the world that are risking their lives for our freedom. He refers to them as “guardians of our liberty.” He also address the problem as the whole nation should be concerned not just the north, the south, or the African American
Finally, President Obama calls for action. He reminds us, through anaphora, that “our journey is not complete” until we are all equal and more opportunistic, per-se. Obama tells us that that is our task, alluding to the Declaration of Independence, to “make these words, rights, these values of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness real for every American” is a task that we will all go through together as one to achieve for all. Concluding his speech, the president reminds us that we are the hope; we ARE the change.
It was a brief speech that captivated a lot of matters that concern the American citizens exclusively and the world inclusively. He divided his speech into different sectors which are citizens’ sacrifice, the idea of service, adopting changes, promise of wealth, government harmony and dignity. The language used in the speech was flawless and applicable to the audience, who was the public, since he was using every day vocabulary. Therefore, the speech has a strong structure that can be easily understood by the majority of people. The audience typically will and was the American citizens, but since the United States has many international relationships, President Obama was trying to reach beyond the nationwide concerns and meet a mutual background....
In “A More Perfect Union”, Obama asked the audience to view themselves through the eyes of the others (Terrill 371). Instead of imposing a moral superiority of one side of the audience like Lincoln did or telling the audience to ignore the diversity, Obama asked the people to embrace their differences and acknowledge the others. In referring to the perspective of black people, he said, “A lack of economic opportunity among black men and the shame and frustration that came from not being able to provide for one's family contributed to the erosion of black families...” Meanwhile, to show how some white people might feel, he narrated, “...when they're told that their fears about crime in urban neighborhoods are somehow prejudice, resentment builds over time.” By juxtaposing two different perspectives, Obama tried to ask for agreement that people’s anxiety over racial problems is
Today, Obama is handling all of what he is expected and promised to do. He’s our first African- American president that is very cool and down to earth. He had the same type of problems any American had and had some struggles while growing up to . Obama is also very educated and determined to do what is right as our leader. In conclusion, I do believe that America can accept its first black president because we have proof to show it. He has done so much to become who he is today and he showed us that he wasn’t going to let anyone stop him. America can accept him because he’s young , fresh, full of new brilliant ideas, down to earth and he’s all about change.
Obama goes on to say “We cannot solve the challenges of our time unless we solve them together.” He believes that this is the time to change, and a new generation governed by racial minorities. Obama support these claims by reiterating his own beliefs and those of the American nation. “I would not be running for President...
To sum up, Obama has always been and will always be a great example of how to succeed in spite of difficulties or obstacles. Such a strong personality is worth to be admired. Obama has left me with positive feelings about the