A Midsummer Night's Dream Theme Essay

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Mahatma Ghandi once said, “Where there is love, there is life. ” Love is one of the best things that we all get to experience in life. Love is the spice of the human life; it can be fickle and confusing at times, however, it is always very rewarding. Love and relationships are the dominant theme in Shakespeare’s book, a midsummer night’s dream. The the different kinds of love that stand out in this book are true love, parental love, and complicated love

Have you ever loved someone so much that you felt that you would die if you did not marry that person? I am sure many can relate, and that is exactly what happens in this book. Hermia and Lysander are both MADLY in love. However,. another man named Demetrius loves Hermia, and he even has her father’s approval. That’s right, …show more content…

The love triangle in this story is very complicated, Lysander loves Hermia, Demetrius loves Hermia, While Helena loves Demetrius, but Demetrius hates her! So soon, Lysander and Hermia decide to leave Athens to get married. On their adventure, a mischievous fairy named puck accidentally puts the love potion on Lysander's eyes. Now, Lysander loves Helena, rather than Hermia. To fix this mistake, Oberon puts love juice on Demetrius’ eyes(which then makes him fall in love with Helena,) , while Lysander’s love potion Gets reversed. So in the end, Lysander goes back to loving Hermia, and Demetrius now loves Helena, rather than Hermia. This is not a love triangle, rather it is a love circle!

In conclusion, A midsummer Night’s dream shows the theme of love through true love, parental love, and complicated love. Through these types of love, I am pretty sure that we can all agree with Lysander, by saying “The course of love never did run smooth.” These types of love show that if you try hard enough, you can succeed in love/loving another person. Plato, a greek philosopher, once said “Love is a serious mental

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