A Midsummer Night's Dream Research Paper

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A Midsummer Night’s Dream, written by none other than William Shakespeare, is a fictional masterpiece, and unlike any other story of it’s kind, it takes a more realistic (yet, not so realistic) approach on it’s main theme; love. The play starts by focusing on four lovers, who are all said to be in love with “The wrong person”, then the story takes a turn, and all four lovers end up experiencing a night of love, confusion and adventure that they will most definitely never forget. Judging from most of this play, I am going to be seeing what observations I can make about Shakespeare’s ideas on the nature of love.
It is obvious that all of the characters in A Midsummer Night’s Dream have different views and opinions on love. Right at the start …show more content…

These two worlds only seem to interact at certain points in the play, and incidents almost always occur in the woods. These incidents include, when the love juice gets squeezed into the lover’s eyes, and when Titania, the Queen of Fairies, falls in love with Bottom in the form of an ass. The way that the fairy world functions is much like how the real world functions in the play. There is a King, Oberon, and a Queen, Titania. Oberon believes that he can manipulate love to his own advantage, and when he found out that Titania did not wish to share a child from her train with him, he wasn’t very happy. He then recruits his “Jester”, Puck to use a so-called Love Juice on his wife, Titania, so that whatever she lays her eyes on first, she will fall madly in love with. Just Titania’s luck, the first thing she saw when she woke up was Bottom, who had unfortunately been given the head of a donkey/ass. As predicted, Titania fell head over heels in love with Bottom, and of course, he has little to no problems with this. This is clearly a reference to love being blind, and that we, as humans cannot choose who we fall in love with: “Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind”. This means that, like I mentioned, true love does not necessarily have to be based on looks or …show more content…

There are several references to dreams (and sleep) in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. For instance, when the four lovers spend the night in the woods, they seem to hardly ever be awake, and this really makes us question; What is real, and what is not? Most of the exciting and important events seem to almost always happen when the characters are asleep. The love juice gets squeezed onto the lovers eyes, when they are asleep. Most of the action that we get from the “fairy world”, we get, when they are asleep. And obviously when they wake up, they all fall madly in love with the wrong person. Even though Shakespeare makes it obvious that it’s the love juice that has messed with the lover’s senses, could it maybe be that dreams also have something to do with it? “Are you sure that we are awake? It seems to me that yet we sleep, we

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