A Lesson Before Dying Quote Analysis

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A Lesson Before Dying 1) “How do people come up with a date and time to take life from another man? Who made them God?” – Grant (Page 157) • This quote exemplifies Grant’s relationship change between him and Jefferson. Throughout the trial Grant didn’t care for the case, seeing Jefferson as almost a lost cause. Now that a date for Jefferson’s death has been set, he preaches that no man has the right to kill another, specifically white people deciding the fate black people. I thought this quote was very strong as it shows how, at the time, many people were getting upset over this case and almost made Jefferson out to be sort of a hero. The fact that he died with courage was extremely strong. 2) "Look at the shape of this skull, this face as flat as the palm of my hand—look deeply into those eyes. Do you see a modicum of intelligence?" (Page 13) • I thought this quote was very interesting because of the strategy the attorney tried to use. It would be very un-expected to learn that this guy is actually trying to defend Jefferson. For this case, Jefferson’s attorney tried to convince the jury that because of his African features that he has no intelligence therefore he couldn’t be held accountable for the crime he committed. I think that this is pretty wrong, from a readers point of view, knowing that Jefferson is actually …show more content…

The attorney claims that it would be wrong to kill a man no more intelligent than a hog. This is seen as very controversial and is almost a turning point in the story. From that moment on Jefferson was dedicated to not die “like a hog” and rather “die like a man”. He learns how to read and write and most of all his dignity was at an all time high. The symbol of the hog has a huge role in this book, as it is the driving force behind the whole bigger meaning of this story. By dying with courage, Jefferson was told he would always be

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