A Fractured Mind: My Life With Multiple Personality Disorder

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The unusual memoir, A Fractured Mind: My Life with Multiple Personality Disorder, is a powerful and inspiring story of Robert B. Oxnam’s struggle with a rare and terrifying illness. According to the 5th edition of The Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel, multiple personality disorder, also known as dissociative identity disorder is when two or more distinct personality states, or “alters” are present. Each of these “alters” can cause disabling or distressing disruptions of normal functioning and include unique memories and behavior patterns. This illness is the result of developing coping mechanisms for overwhelming experiences and traumatic events occurring early in the lifespan such as child abuse. Prior to this course centered around the psychology of abnormal behavior, I had never been exposed to the symptoms and life struggles that people with this diagnosis face. I did not realize the degree to which multiple personality disorder can truly affect an individual and those …show more content…

Oxnam’s friends and family intervened after noticing his excessive, bizarre behaviors and memory blackouts which were thought to be the result of alcoholism. It was not until this intervention that Oxnam entered a rehab center in 1989 and met a psychiatrist by the name of Dr. Jeffery Smith, who had some experience in dealing with multiple personalities. In mid-1990, Dr. Smith was able to diagnose Oxnam with this severe dissociative disorder after Tommy, an angry adolescent boy, emerged during one of their sessions. Oxnam describes the disbelief that consumed him when Dr. Smith explained his actions while he was under a different alias or personality. I personally cannot even fathom what emotions must have been running though Oxnam’s mind. To learn of something to this extent would be completely life changing and I believe that you have to have extreme willpower in order to cope with

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