A Flood Hydrograph and the Factors That Affect its Form

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A Flood Hydrograph and the Factors That Affect its Form

A flood hydrograph is a graph of two axis, 'discharge' and 'time'.

Plotted on the graph is the amount of discharge over a period of time.

By looking at a hydrograph, a lot of information and data can be

gathered about the river, the precipitation, the surrounding area and

vegetation etc. The gradient, height and length of a line can tell you

a lot of this information.

There are many different factors that can affect the appearance and

shape of a hydrograph. Certain conditions can cause the line on the

hydrograph to be tall and thin and other conditions can cause it to be

short and wide.

Peak discharge is the term used to describe the maximum amount of

discharge from the river over the period of time recorded; this peak

discharge can be high or low depending on a lot of conditions.

Climatic factors are the most obvious conditions that can affect the

flood hydrograph. If the precipitation is very intense and there is a

lot of it then the hydrograph is likely to have a high peak discharge

where as if the precipitation is low-intensity and there is a small

amount then the graph will have a gentle ascending limb.

[IMAGE][IMAGE]The ascending limb is the first part of the line on a

hydrograph that rises to the peak discharge. If the gradient is steep

(like the example on the right) then this can indicate that the amount

of rainfall becoming overland flow is very high, the result of this is

that all the water reaches the river very quickly and all in a short

period of time, this gives the immediate steep ascending limb on the


Reasons for large amounts of rainfall becoming overland flow can be

little vegetation and maybe impermeable rock below the surface. Being

impermeable rock, the water cannot infiltrate through this and become

ground water, instead it flows over the ground to the river. Urban

development and agricultural practices contribute to overland flow.

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