Introduction to the Neurosurgeon Career A neurosurgeon is a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of abnormal or irregular neurological conditions of the human brain. They focus on patients who suffer from diseases related to the brain and the central nervous system (CNS). In addition to performing various procedures outside the operating room, such as biopsies and cerebral angiograms, neurosurgeons examine patients for any minor or major indications of neurological disorders. When a patient first arrives at a hospital facility, they are typically evaluated by a general resident who assesses the patient for neurological conditions before the neurosurgeon personally administers an evaluation. Only after a positive or negative diagnosis can the neurosurgeon commendably and efficiently manage treatment, which in most cases requires surgical procedures. An essential aspect of a neurosurgeon's role is to accurately handle the documentation of data related to their patients' treatment. This data includes treatment programs and schedules, medication plans, diagnosis details, and any other analysis information related to their patients' health. Regular interaction with patients is also crucial for neurosurgeons. Supporting patients in medical decisions and informing them of all possible risks, effects, delays, results, and outcomes of their surgery is perhaps the most important responsibility a neurosurgeon can undertake. The physician must be able to discuss the patient's course of action clearly and precisely with someone they are comfortable with to ensure the best recovery. Note: No changes were made to the title "Demand and Salary for Neurological Surgeons" as it is a title.
In Sam Kean’s The Tale of Dueling Neurosurgeons, he uses historical events to explore the brain’s many components and qualities. Exposing that several scientific advancements of the human brain are a result of some gruesome incidents and tragic stories. The title is in reference to two brain doctors from 16th century Europe, Ambroise Paré and Andreas Vesalius who were called upon after King Henri II was pierced through the eye and skull during a joust in 1559. The story is written with Kean being the narrator of the cases from the past he then follows the story with current information of the related brain structure and its functioning. The cases include strokes, seizures, infectious diseases, and traumatic accidents followed by how the victim
The aim of this essay is a reflective account in which I will describe a newly acquired skill that I have learned and been able to implement within my role as a trainee assistant practitioner. (T.A.P.) for Foundation for Practice. I have chosen to reflect upon neurological observations on patients that will be at risk of neurological deterioration. Before I begin any care or assessments, I should have a good theoretical underpinned knowledge, of the skill that I am about to put into practice, and have a good understanding of anatomy and physiology, in order to make an accurate assessment of a patients neurological status. I will be making a correct and relevant assessment to identify any needs or concerns to establish the patient’s individualized care, and make observations to determine an appropriate clinical judgement.
“What Is a Concussion?” What Is a Concussion? | Brain Injury Research Institute, Accessed 30 Jan. 2018.
The brain is a mystifying tissue that controls our bodies, conducting all the energy needed to make conscious and unconscious actions. This pink blob had always caught my attention during my earlier years and my interest had only spiked when my little brother became a victim of a horrible fall. The experience of seeing his brain deteriorate at such a fast pace awoke a passion and desire to learn more about the functions and genetic makeup of the incredibly powerful pink squishy tissue in our heads. By the time I was 13, I knew I definitely wanted to become a neurosurgeon to help study the dark and unexplored layers of the brain.
Psychiatrists are physicians who help patients with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of any mental disorder. Psychiatrists can treat patients with a range of disorders from mild anxiety, to people with severe disorders that can cause dangerous behavior to anyone with a mental retardation, to anyone also suffering with alcoholism. Psychiatrists can also prescribe drugs to their patients because they are physicians. They undergo many years of training to be able to recognize the connection between mental disorders and physical disorders. Psychiatrists can work with their patients in their own private offices or in hospitals and clinics. Psychiatrists can also teach in medical school or research and study the causes and treatments ...
As a Psychiatrist, they are to proficiently understand the function of the human mind to be able to penetrate into their patient’s thoughts and feelings. These medical doctors are required to spend approximately twelve years gaining a better insight into the complex structure of the brain. They are trained to understand how specific sections of the brain work together to achieve varieties of functions and how a mutation can cause a severe malfunction (Zorumski and Rubin). As a result of the years spent training, Psychiatrists are to differentiate and categorize physical and psychosomatic stress caused by chemical changes in the special parts of the brain. Psychiatrists are also trained to use neurotic technologies such as deep brain stimulation. Additionally, the medical doctors are equi...
Neuropsychology is the strongest and exciting area of science and psychology to date by applying principles of scientific evaluation and intervention derived from the study typical and irregular performance of the brain and central nervous system. Neuropsychologists are devoted to understanding the relationship between human behavior and the brain and understanding the application of neuropsychology to issues that society face everyday. With medical technology at it disposal neuropsychologist are able to use brain scan devices to evaluate neurological disorders from the brain response to individual behavior. Many neuropsychologists are employed via grant work, but many have salary jobs with research facilities associated with hospitals, university, clinics, labs and large medical pharmaceutical
"Anesthesiologists." The Oklahoma Career Information System (OKCIS). Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education, n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2014.
Dr. Benjamin Carson is a world-renowned neurosurgeon and former director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. Described as "one of the acknowledged miracle workers of modern medicine" by Christopher Phillips of Reader's Digest, Carson received recognition throughout the medical community for his skill in performing complex and delicate neurosurgical procedures, primarily on children. Among his accomplishments are a number of successful hemispherectomies, a complicated surgical process in which a portion of the brain of a critically ill seizure victim or other neurologically diseased patient is removed to restore normal function. Carson performed his most famous operation--one that gained him international
Hypothetically speaking, if patients asked their neurologists to explain what the nervous system is, how would typical neurologists respond to such a question? For the most part, patients ' question on what is the nervous system maybe a simple question for neurologists. In this instance, neurologists possibly explain to patients that the nervous System serves as a communication network that operates and coordinates the body 's activities. Operating and coordinating the body 's activities includes the nervous system to monitor thoughts, learning processes, body temperature, and altering the heart rate-- To name a few of the nervous system 's responsibilities. During the topic of discussion on the nervous system, patients asked their neurologists
To be a pediatric neurosurgeon you have to be an extremely dedicated person. There is so much hard work that goes into becoming a pediatric neurosurgeon; there is a ton of school that a person has to go through to become this. Doctors studying to be a pediatric neurosurgeon recommends that you should start studying now, while you are still in high school, because if you don’t start studying now you will wish did when you go to medical school. A pediatric neurosurgeon has a ton of weight on their shoulders when trying to figure out how to operate on a specific person and trying to figure out what would be the best way to save that
Neurological procedures can lead to significant postoperative deficits. It is important for physicians to assess nervous system function intraoperatively so that any deficits can be corrected before they become permanent. The oldest method of assessing spinal cord function is with the Stagnara wake up test where patients are awoken in the middle of surgery in order to assess motor function(1). Once the neurological status of the patient is evaluated, the patient would be reanesthetized and the surgery would resume. The wake up test is limited in that it only provides a brief assessment of motor function. It fails to detect ischemia and sensory function(2). Now, intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring with motor evoked potentials (MEPs), somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs), electromyography (EMG), electrocorticography (ECoG), and cortical mapping has become the new standard of care. It allows physicians to examine the nervous system function without waking the patient. It has become an essential intraoperative tool to improve safety in surgical procedures and helping minimize postoperative deficits. It has allowed surgeons to accept high-risk patients who might have been otherwise denied for a surgical procedure. There are many intraoperative monitoring modalities used to assess different part of brain, spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system. The strength of each modality is able to offset the limitations of other monitoring modalities, and when combined together, they provide a comprehensive picture on the complex spinal cord function.
The BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics) predict, “The overall field of psychology itself with grow at an average rate of 11% through the year 2022.” Statistics show that two million people each year suffer from brain injury. Because of this, the demand for qualifying neuropsychologists is expected to remain strong and steady. As a further matter, increasing interest in the brain and its functionalities, as well as improving imaging technology is also a factor to making the demand for works to rapidly grow over the next decade or two, as well as increasing numbers of older adults who are more likely to Alzheimer’s, dementia, and stroke will also impact the need for more
“Neurology and Neurosurgeons Explained.” Life NPH. American Academy of Neurology Education and Research Foundation, n.d. Web. 23 November 2011.
"Adenosine - What Is Adenosine?" Adenosine - What Is Adenosine? N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2014.