A Comparison Of Power In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” Was said by Abe Lincoln. Give a man power to see if he abuses it. Many things have changed now that it is 80 years later, but still there is stereotypical thought about these kinds of people. In John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, control of power in the 1930s was greatly different than it is now and was simply based on the color of skin, how much money a person had, and if a person had disabilities. Throughout the story, characters experienced different levels of power. George felt powerless when he could not explain Lennie’s situation with his disorder. “He’s my… cousin. I told his old lady I’d take care of him. He got kicked in the head by a horse when he was a kid. He’s awright. Just ain’t bright. But he can do anything you tell him” (22). Lennie has loss of power when George says he cannot have any more mice. “Well, you ain’t petting no mice while you walk with me” (6). Lennie has a personal loss of power because he has a mental illness and cannot control it. Lennie lost power to George when George was forced to put Lennie down after they found out what Lennie did to Curley's wife. “Right in the back of the head” (107). Different levels of power were possessed in the story. Character's powers in Of …show more content…

He is trying to say a man had to work all day just to get a meal in there belly, especially for a black person who works twice as hard for half the pay. Crooks is a black man, he earns his keep at the farm. He lives with the animals in the barn.”You got no right to come in my room. This here’s my room. Nobody got any right in here but me” (68).“I don’t know what you’re doin’ in the barn anyways” (68). He has a crooked back from getting kicked by a horse. “Got a crooked back where a horse kicked him”(20). John is trying to say that people get treated differently because of the color of a person’s

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