Many college graduates are finding it hard to get jobs. The biggest issue is the amount of student debt. Furthermore, when an education becomes outdated a few years after graduation, a college degree becomes worthless. If a college graduate does not land a good paying job six month after graduation, they have to start paying off their student loans. In addition, many employers will hire someone with an out dated college degree. College is now impossible for most students to afford without getting deeply into debt, is not worth the time and money, and many students are beginning to look at non-degree career options.
From the time a child enters grade school, they are taught that in order to succeed in life they must get good grades in high school so they can be accepted into the best colleges. They are taught that if they get a college degree that a career job will be guaranteed upon graduation. High schools do not teach students how to start their own business or invent their own product. There are no special classes offered to explore other non-degree career options. Unless a student buys into the belief that they need a college degree to succeed in the workforce, they take non-skilled minimum wage jobs. A college student can no longer afford their college tuition by working a job without getting student loans or financial assistance their parents. The government has destroyed this by providing easy students loans to anyone who applies and there is no credit check. Today, many students cannot find jobs after they get a college degree. Student loan payments begin within six months after graduation, and many students owe thousands of dollars and have to work non-skilled minimum wage jobs to begin paying on these loans. In view of...
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...1% of recent high school graduates in college have found jobs.
Hundreds of thousands of college graduates hold bottom-rung positions as waiters, and cashiers paying off thousands of dollars in student loans. More and more people are looking at skilled trade jobs that require no college degree and are quickly discovering that college isn’t the only way to achieve success. Student loans are destroying many student’s hopes of achieving success in the workforce and ruining their lives trying to pay off student loans. The government needs to remove it’s self from the student loan business and let the banks take over. It’s the only way to lower tuition and other costs associated with obtaining a college degree. Anyone seeking a college education should compare college degree and non-degree careers in order to determine which one is a better investment in time and money.
One statistic that Owen and Sawhill presented was “Hamilton Project research shows that 23- to 25-year-olds with bachelor’s degrees make $12,000 more than high school graduates but by age 50, the gap has grown to $46,500 (Figure 1). When we look at lifetime earnings—the sum of earnings over a career—the total premium is $570,000 for a bachelor’s degree and $170,000 for an associate’s degree. (Owen, Sawhill pg 641). Owen and Sawhill also mention that “with tuitions rising faster than family incomes, the typical college student is now more dependent than in the past on loans, creating serious risks for the individual student and perhaps for the system as a whole, should widespread defaults occur in the future. Federal student loans now total close to $1 trillion, larger than credit card debt or auto loans and second only to mortgage debt on household balance sheets” (Owen, Sawhill pg 642). Basically, what the authors are saying is college is expensive, but for some career paths, the training and education received in college is necessary to have that job and the benefits outweigh the costs. With a high paying career where a college education is necessary, paying off student loans is no problem. On the other hand, people who go after low paying careers that don’t necessarily need a college degrees,
For most people who want to pursue and can afford higher education, and also is ready to suffer from debt; the option is always available. Whether it’s to continue on achieving a bachelor’s degree, after gaining a high school diploma, or from a master’s to a PhD; when entering the job market with these degrees, which states that these graduates are certified to work in a specific field; they’ve majored in at a university, college and technical school; the graduates are now looking to be employed at a job that will provide a good salary; this will allow them to make a living for themselves and/or family. Additionally, this new founded job will help them pay off their college debt. Everyone has their own personal meaning to what they believe,
The second chapter of this book advocates students to attend college, even if they must take on a moderate amount of student loan debt. They give statistics showing the tremendous gap in wages between a college graduate and a non-college graduate. The third chapter of this book argues the opposite viewpoint of the second chapter. The author states that the cost of college today is too high and that there are too many college graduates flooding the job market causing many of them to go unemployed or seek low level jobs that do not pay enough to pay off their student loans. Both of these chapters will help me to show the two main ...
A majority of people believe that graduating from college will result in a well-paying job. Unfortunately, a degree will not secure a job for many graduates. In the U.S., the jobless rate for college graduates in 2012 was 7.7 percent, and has further increased in the past five years(Robinson). With such a large pool of unemployed citizens for employers to choose from, recent graduates are facing fewer opportunities for work due to little or no previous work experience(Robinson). Although many graduates are faced with unemployment, the majority do receive the opportunity to work. Sadly, many must work jobs they do not enjoy for salaries that make it difficult to make ends meet(Debate). Students are faced with mortgage-sized debts upon graduation, making it difficult for them to start businesses, buy cars or houses, or make other investments that would better the
College is the place where people go to retain the necessary training for a job that requires specific skills, which results in earning a higher pay check. In today’s world, employers are scouting out for individuals with the proper dexterities to fill the shoes for that specific job. Blanche D. Blank, the author of “A Question of Degree," argues that possessing a degree of higher education isn’t the only way to have a very successful life. This statement is highly argumentative, due to the fact that college graduates still out-earn people without degrees. Obtaining a college degree is one of the best things someone can do for themselves, when it comes to looking for a stable job. There is also so much more to college than just receiving a
Individuals are struggling nowadays to acquire an education higher than a high school diploma. One of the main reasons for this issue could be very well the price it is to attend college. Prices have skyrocketed throughout the years. A lot of the people who attend college have to take out a “student loan,” just so they can get by. I believe one should not need to be in serious debt before they even graduate, all because they want to go out and further their education, and become successful in their life.
Everyone knows that going to college and getting a degree is the most effective and guaranteed route to ensure a prosperous financial future, right? College is considered by most to be the best investment you can make in life, but what happens when that investment leaves you drowning in thousands of dollars in debt right after graduation day. This is the situation that millions of college graduates are faced with in 2016. Rising college tuition perpetuates student debt and is on a sharp incline and it seems to have no ambition of ever slowing down. The effect of this catastrophe is felt by millions of families across the country who now question, “is college really worth it?”
For the past decade, The United States has stressed the importance of college education, to those seeking employment, and better careers. For most people, college is the logical next step in education, as it provides a working knowledge of a desired field and opens the door to many opportunities, but college has become increasingly more expensive as time goes on. Many people feel that college is no longer an option financially. Even with financial aid and scholarships, the cost of a college education can still be very taxing. This is due to massive price increase across the boards, but the main issue on most people’s minds is the debt that will be acquired from higher education.
In Caroline Bird’s “College is A Waste of Time and Money”, it’s argued that there are many college students who would be better off if they were to begin working after high school graduation. Colleges and universities can no longer ensure that one will go on to get a better job, getting paid more than they would have without a higher education. However, high school seniors still stress about where they will be attending college, how they’re going to pay for it and what they’re going to study for the next four years. Bird points out how college has changed over the past few decades and how, in turn, it has set many young adults up for disappointment, if nothing else.
Many college graduates are finding it hard to get jobs. The biggest issue is the amount of debt Americans are facing due to the college degree they were told they should have. Colleges have been raising the prices on everything from tuition to books. The government is giving out loans to students without even asking where they’re going to school for, or if they’ll even have a plan to pay off the debt in the future. The mentality is that corporations and business won’t hire someone unless they possess a college degree. Gerald Celente, from Trends Research Institute, says “It makes no difference to have a college degree.” (College Conspiracy Scam - youtube) He wants individuals to have minds and to think for themselves. Many believe that with a degree they can have any car and house they desire and commonly known as the American Dream.
Over the past years, getting a college degree has been the pathway to a settled career. College has been a reason for people to carry on after high school. Now that tuition has been raised, getting a degree seems to drain students with more loans and could be in debt. College has been raised to the point where people rather start working at a minimum wage than continuing with school. Working in a part-time job would be an easier choice rather than pursuing a degree.
It is a norm and expectation in society today for students to pursue higher education after graduating from high school. College tuition is on the rise, and a lot of students have difficulty paying for their tuitions. To pay for their tuitions, most students have to take out loans and at the end of four years, those students end up in debt. Student loan debts are at an all time high with so many people graduating from college, and having difficulties finding jobs in their career fields, so they have difficulties paying off their student loans and, they also don’t have a full understanding of the term of the loans and their options if they are unable to repay.
When a student gets out of college the game plan is supposed to be, get a job in the field that you went to school for and make money so you can start your life. That particular situation is rare considering not all students get a job fresh out of college. For the students that don’t, they have to go back home and settle for a regular job and start paying off their giant student loans and put their life on hold. Even with having the job they wanted the student loans come right around the corner. After college is when the student’s life is supposed to start and the part where you get a car payment, pay rent, utilities, but none of that is possible when you add the enormous amount of money that the student will be in debt by. With the amount the students have to pay fresh out of college, more students are sacrificing more time struggling to pay off the student loans then they spent in school. Student loans are set-up in a way to be flawed and not always completely necessary to the student.
...s comes with college being too expensive and is growing at a rate higher than inflation (Kantrowitz). There are many great jobs out there that don’t require a degree and pay good as well as on the job training. The truths many people aren’t willing to admit are getting a college degree will lead people to better careers too. People don’t need a college degree to be successful, but having an education is important, along with a desire to continue to learn, work hard, and adapt.
College graduates have more jobs to choose from. The more years of education one has completed, the more opportunities he or she will have as a potential hire. Some employers would not even consider interviewing a job seeker who has no college education, and many employer...