A Career As A Detective, Investigator And Detective

697 Words2 Pages

Maria Lopez
English 2
Ms. Piersol
February 2, 2014
A detective is a police officer whose job is to identify criminals by investigating cases. When trying to solve a crime, a detective conducts a criminal investigation that seeks facts to help determine the truth about what happened and who is responsible. A career as a criminal investigator is more demanding, dangerous, and rewarding than any other job.
A detective’s job is to gather, organize, and use information. To make decision complete the task, a detective needs to be smart, and physically fit. Detectives also need to have good communication
Detectives have many different roles to help them reach their goal to solve criminal cases. Detectives provide emergency assistance, conduct raids, and undercover assignments, create stakeout, and testify in court.
Investigators gather and remember information and use technology to solve cases, they have to be objective and use logic. All decisions to a case should be based on numerous facts. Detectives rely on experience, study, and observation to collect and evaluate case facts. The decision making required can be stressful.
One of the most important points in a detective job is to not become personally involved in the cases they investigate. If the worker gets personal involve in an investigation they can suffer stress. A detective must be emotional balanced and have the ability to stay severed.
A detective must have other characteristics such as interest, suspicion, delicacy, discipline, and to be a hard worker. Detectives must not accept anything for what it looks like but the value of question they hear and see. People may lie or tell half of the true but this does not mean that they are ne...

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...When a detective receives a case, he or she conducts a preliminary investigation. When establishing a case, a preliminary investigation consists of different aspects. A detective s job includes such things as measuring, photographing, sketching, and searching the crime scene, as well as identifying, collecting, examining, and processing physical evidence. In addition, a detective questions victims, witnesses, and suspects. They record all statements and observations in their notes. All aspects of the preliminary investigation are done to preserve the crime scene, and there is an attempt to determine the time that the crime was committed and the mod-us operandi. Detectives realize that a criminal always makes mistakes, and leaves some type of evidence behind. Most times the evidence left behind is less visible, such as fingerprints, blood stains, and small particles.

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