A Briefing For A Decent Into Hell Sparknotes

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Message: Not Impossible – A Spiritual Mission Are you ready for a spiritual challenge? Do not worry, you already know your mission; however, you just need to remember it. Doris Lessing is a British novelist that won the 2007 Nobel Prize in Literature. Writing literature both modern and contemporary, she successfully composed over forty books dealing with social criticism and the genre of science fiction. Through her work, she expresses her viewpoints and feels words do not suffice when trying to portray a spiritual vision. It is rather a spiritual experience that each person must discover. Doris Lessing’s spiritual vision is demonstrated in her novel A Briefing For a Decent Into Hell during her discussion about when individuals are exposed …show more content…

Everyone from the briefing has the capacity to remember just as Charles does; however, some are never opened up to this rediscovering. Charles is a messenger along with Rosemary, Fredrick, and Violet. The messengers have this opportunity and Charles articulates what being a spiritual messenger is. He first describes the role of a messenger to be abiding with “the law of God,” which is then explained as “knowing harmony” (143). This description is adding to the notion that humanity must understand that they are apart of one whole. He again expresses the importance of the role of the messenger when explaining the message as always the same. This aspect reiterates that it will forever be the same message reminding them of their spiritual lives. The third description of the messenger’s role is to know and respect the laws of harmony. All information the reader receives about the messenger’s role point to the main idea of remembering one’s sole purpose of remembering life before his or her human existence. It is the job of the messengers to jog the memory of the ones who forget. Both Rosemary and Fredrick have memories of this. Rosemary’s letter to Charles would be an example to how she too has remembered the bits of her life prior to life on Earth along with Fredrick. Both Rosemary and Fredrick have the chance of remembering the full mission they are on as …show more content…

From the start of one’s human life, Lessing states through Charles that he is constantly told to be a “good baby” (135). Being “good,” from the parent’s point of view, is Charles constantly sleeping. During infancy, the point in life where one examines human life for the first time, he is cut off from any discovery and forced to sleep. From the first moment he is born, he is introduced he is separate. Charles states, “One, two, one, two, one two, and in the three is me.” In this quotation, he explains he is his own separate entity. Parents enforce this idea. They believe a child’s identity is his or her ego; each person is his or her own entity and that is the way it is supposed to be. Parents are these ego identities; therefore, they tell the children who they should be rather then letting them discover their own

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