A Brief Biography Of Augusta Ada Lovelace

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Augusta Ada King or Count of Lovelace was born with the name Augusta Ada Byron but who’s now known as Ada Lovelace was born on December 10th, during the year of 1815. She was born in London and died November 27th, in 1852. She was the daughter of a famous poet known as Lord Byron. Ada is reflected to have printed instructions for the first computer program in the mid 1800s. She was best known for being a skilled mathematician.
Ada Lovelace was encouraged to be a mathematician from her mother who studied math and was firm that Ada should not become a poet like her father. She bonded with Charles Babbage, inventor of the calculator, by working with him.
Very shortly after Ada was born her, mother divorced her father and was then presented with sole custody of Ada who she brought up to follow in her foot steps and become a mathematician. Lady Byron did absolutely everything she could to make sure that her daughter did not end up like her father and become a poet.
When Ada was about 17 she met Mary Somerville who translated LaPlace’s works i...

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