9293 Compare And Contrast

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Detailed Comparison

There are distinct differences between the 760 and the 9293 from Braun. The shaving system is one of the biggest differences. The SyncroSonic Technology of the Series 9 reads and adapts to your beard while you're shaving. It'll check the density 160 times for every minute that it's working. AutoSense tech is also reading the hairs and adjusting the power 13 times per second. It's an advancement on the technology used in the Series 7, which doesn't make adjustments as quickly.

Lifting Hairs

The shavers have much of the same technology because they're created by the same company. The Series 9293 is more advanced, though. For every bit of tech that exists in the 7 Series, the company has expanded and improved upon it in …show more content…

The Series 9 has an LED display that will show battery status precisely as well as when the unit needs to be cleaned. There's also a lock indicator for when you're traveling. The Series 9 battery indicator actually shows you the minutes you have left on the 50 minutes of cordless shaving you get with each full charge.

Cleaning Station

The 760 has a cleaning and charging station. That's something not available with the 9293. The 9293 has a charging stand and the ability to be used wet or dry, which means it can be cleaned by running it under water. This is an important distinction. The 760 cleansing station is reported to be quite loud as it does its work. It needs special solution to operate efficiently, too. Many customers would rather rinse and cleanse the shaver themselves than spend extra money on cleaning solution.

Overall, the 9293 shaver has more benefits than the 760, although, the cleaning station could be an extra feature that some customers want.

Series 7 740s vs Series 9 9095cc
Series 7 740s
The 740 has different shaving modes. You can choose the intense mode, normal mode, or extra sensitive mode. It has an ActiveLift System for lifting and cutting hairs that normally remain flat during shaving. This will give you a closer shave. It provides 10,000 cross-cuts per minute for each shaver head. That equals

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