1984 and Wall-e

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On the surface the movies 1984 and Wall-e do not look like they would have very much in common, however if someone was to look deeper into the movies they would see that they have more in common than meets the eye. First, they both try to predict what they believe will happen in the future. 1984 shows a country controlled by a totalitarian government. Wall-e introduces the viewer to a world that is controlled by the company Buy 'n' Large (consumerism). They both show that the two ruling parties, Big Brother and Buy 'n' Large, control their citizens by psychological manipulation, physical control, control of information and history, technology, and use language as mind control. Both of these movies raise the question: “What will 2014 be like?” Totalitarian is a form of government where the government has complete control of their citizens' lives. This usually includes, as it did in 1984, control of who they marry, their sex lives, when and what they eat, and when and how much they exercise along with many other things. In a totalitarian government the citizens have no freedom what-so-ever. Big Brother would often use Thought Police to monitor peoples thoughts to make sure they did not commit thought crimes (Nineteen Eighty-four). However, the Thought Police aspect of the movie will probably never occur in real life, there are similar cases. In Cuba, the government has put in people in various neighborhoods that are supposed to report to the government anyone they hear or suspect of bad-mouthing the government or trying to start a rebellion (Vallandares). However, Wall-e shows a world controlled by consumerism instead of one controlled by a totalitarian government. Consumerism is when the people of a country are encouraged to spend a lot of money on goods and services. In the movie Wall-e the company B 'n' L ended up becoming so large due to consumerism that they

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