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Analysis of the movie wall-e
Analysis of the movie wall-e
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Recommended: Analysis of the movie wall-e
On the surface the movies 1984 and Wall-e do not look like they would have very much in common, however if someone was to look deeper into the movies they would see that they have more in common than meets the eye. First, they both try to predict what they believe will happen in the future. 1984 shows a country controlled by a totalitarian government. Wall-e introduces the viewer to a world that is controlled by the company Buy 'n' Large (consumerism). They both show that the two ruling parties, Big Brother and Buy 'n' Large, control their citizens by psychological manipulation, physical control, control of information and history, technology, and use language as mind control. Both of these movies raise the question: “What will 2014 be like?” Totalitarian is a form of government where the government has complete control of their citizens' lives. This usually includes, as it did in 1984, control of who they marry, their sex lives, when and what they eat, and when and how much they exercise along with many other things. In a totalitarian government the citizens have no freedom what-so-ever. Big Brother would often use Thought Police to monitor peoples thoughts to make sure they did not commit thought crimes (Nineteen Eighty-four). However, the Thought Police aspect of the movie will probably never occur in real life, there are similar cases. In Cuba, the government has put in people in various neighborhoods that are supposed to report to the government anyone they hear or suspect of bad-mouthing the government or trying to start a rebellion (Vallandares). However, Wall-e shows a world controlled by consumerism instead of one controlled by a totalitarian government. Consumerism is when the people of a country are encouraged to spend a lot of money on goods and services. In the movie Wall-e the company B 'n' L ended up becoming so large due to consumerism that they
Imagine being watched by your own government every single second of the day with not even the bathroom, bedroom, kitchen and all the above to yourself. George Orwell’s 1984 is based on a totalitarian government where the party has complete access over the citizens thoughts to the point where anything they think they can access it, and control over the citizens actions, in a sense that they cannot perform what they really want to or else Big Brother, which is the name of the government in the book 1984, will “take matters into their own hands.” No one acts the same when they are being watched, as they do when they are completely alone.
The novel, 1984, written by George Orwell, gives readers an insight to a possible frightening future where one government has complete and definite control of the people. But “control” might not be the term to describe such a rule. The Party dominates every aspect of life. There is not a single thing that is not under the Party’s rule. Feelings, history, language, statistics, and even human nature are submissive to the Party. They corrupt the mind so much that there is no longer a line that separates truth from a lie. Slogans are repeated through telescreens on a daily basis so the people are gradually forced to believe in illogical statements. Upon first glance, it may seem that a 1984 society is not even imaginable in the world we live in currently. But is it really logical to make such an assumption so quickly? Do we know that what we see on the news and read in our history textbooks is completely accurate? The Internet is one of the most powerful technologies our world has, consisting of an insurmountable amount of information, which is not always what it seems. Ultimately, there are so many things that we do not know, some of which is being held a secret from us. Modern day society shockingly has evidence of a transformation into a menacing 1984 society because of similar government actions and abuse of advanced technology.
Totalitarianism can be defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as the centralized control by an autocratic authority. The leaders of these societies are obsessed with complete control and will take whatever steps are necessary to reach such a goal. In many totalitarian societies, children are separated from their families. This is enforced on the citizens because rulers want them to be loyal to the government. Such living arrangements can be portrayed in Ayn Rand’s novel, Anthem.
In 1984 they have a perfect world that Big Brother has created. That everyone loves their leader. Also a perfect system where people have jobs in each section and it never changes. They have the total control of everyone. In their system they teach their children to love Big Brother to listen to what they say to hope that we win the war. If they don’t trust Big Brother they are beaten and kept for many months and sometimes years it depends on how long it take to make them love Big Brother. They control more of the people in the book. Orwell, George. 1984. Harlow: Pearson Education, 2003. Print. Divergent. Eagle Pictures, 2014.
Today’s modern world may not be exactly like 1984, but there are some issues that are very similar to it. Some of the biggest issues that is becoming compromised today is the issue of privacy, which in the book 1984 was something that the people did not have much of because of things like telescreens. Not only is our privacy compromised but the government is also being too controlling. Ways today’s privacy is being compromised are through things like game consoles, phones, social media, and drones and not only is our being compromised through these things but the government is also gaining too much control by compromising our privacy.
George Orwell’s key objective throughout his novel, 1984, was to convey to his readers the imminent threat of the severe danger that totalitarianism could mean for the world. Orwell takes great measures to display the horrifying effects that come along with complete and dominant control that actually comes along with totalitarian government. In Orwell’s novel, personal liberties and individual freedoms that are protected and granted to many Americans today, are taken away and ripped from the citizen’s lives. The government takes away freedom and rights from the people so that the ruling class (which makes up the government), while reign with complete supremacy and possess all power.
1984, a novel by George Orwell, represents a dystopian society in which the people of Oceania are surveilled by the government almost all the time and have no freedoms. Today, citizens of the United States and other countries are watched in a similar way. Though different technological and personal ways of keeping watch on society than 1984, today’s government is also able to monitor most aspects of the people’s life. 1984 might be a dystopian society, but today’s condition seems to be moving towards that controlling state, where the citizens are surveilled by the government at all times.
The belief that a government is always watching their citizens can control people’s thoughts and propaganda can help to establish this belief. The leader of a totalitarian government is often “omnipresent, all-knowing, larger than life and half-divine” (Roelofs 4). An omnipresent leader can institute an extreme level of obedience into the citizens of their country because the citizens may conclude that the government could determine if the citizens support most of the government’s actions by analyzing videos or other visual evidence collected by the government. The leader can force the citizens to act in a similar way to help create a sense of unity. In 1984, Big Brother is omnipresent and spies on all of the citizens of Oceania through the façade of moving eyes on the posters that say “Big Brother is watching you” (Varricchio 7). The moving eyes of Big Brother demonstrate that Big Brother watches all of the citizens of Oceania all of the time since the average citizen of Oceania is unable ...
In the early twentieth-century, many people felt as if their societies were headed for a horrible downfall. With the Great Depression taking place, many people found great comfort in those individuals who rose to the occasion to help the people. Those such as Hitler, who promised jobs and a better life, also provided a scapegoat, just as Big Brother did in 1984, written by George Orwell. However, there were also those individuals who felt that the world was going to come to a rapid end if people did not learn to appreciate the things that had been given to them, as William Yeats speaks of in "The Second Coming". In both pieces, the author has a very evident fear of the future and what is to come.
In 1984, George Orwell explores the many facets of a negative utopia. Orwell seems to focus on the measures that the government takes to maintain a public of plebeians who have no personality or identity and believe that they are not unique individuals, but instead are part of a greater senseless mob of people who constantly work for a hostile and oppressive government which is involved in incessant wars. These people are taught to love. They then learn to fear their government because they believe all of the propaganda that is constantly instilled into their minds. They willing follow their government without contest for the duration of their meaningless lives. The government controls all forms of the media (thus denying the people the basic right of free speech) and use it to personify the government (known as “big brother”) .The government therefore seems omnipotent, or all knowing and always correct. Forecasts are changed from one week to the next always proving the government was correct. As was mentioned before, many of the rights that present day Westerners take for gran...
Big Brother's surveillance state is compared to phones in the modern world. The book features telescreens that are dual-purpose devices that play a stream of televised propaganda and record everything going on. Telescreens are present in upper and middle-class homes, but not in the prole homes, since the government doesn't care what the poor people are doing. Today, we have our own telescreen devices that we carry around everywhere with us - cell phones. Like telescreens, cell phones can even be used for government surveillance. As the FBI proved in 2006 when they hacked into a mobster's phone to turn the mic on and record to look at the internet use and warrantless wiretapping controversies. The creation of a state of a never ending war and fear induces people to surrender their rights and liberties that enables the imposition of the surveillance state, “Both rely on the existence of a technological system with the capacity to monitor every citizen’s actions and words (Rohde, 2017).” In 1984, Orwell shares the joyful relationship of Winston Smith and Julia in their secret haven to remind readers what has been lost in society, “He wished above all
The government portrayed in the book as well as in the film is referred to as “Big Brother” the mastermind of establishing a totalitarian government. A totalitarian government is a single party that rules over everything and is superior to everyone. The totalitarian government was created to prevent corruption in the society and keep the people believing in what “Big Brother” wants them to believe. “Big Brother” kept the society in believing his reality by intimidation and brain washing. Also the lack of privacy was enforced by the use of surveillance like system known as the tele. The involvement of the government helped in conforming and controlling the society.
There are lots of ways to compare 1984 by George Orwell to Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. They both have to do with very futuristic ideas.
The Oxford Dictionary defines totalitarianism as ‘a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state’ . A totalitarian regime possesses power over affairs of the state and its inhabitants under one party and bears no opposition. A key attribute of a totalitarian government is that is looks to shape the mind and actions of society through determination, philosophy, and in general, force.
Totalitarianism is a concept used by some political scientists in which the state holds total authority over the society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life wherever possible.