1984 George Orwell Privacy Violations Essay

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Privacy Violation

Everyday citizens of the United States are unknowingly being stalked. The government consistently wiretaps into our electronic devices to get information on numerous things. Citizens should not have to give up aspects of personal privacy for the greater good of society. In fact, the most disturbing thing about it all is that we will never know when it is happening. This is similar to the privacy violations explored in 1984 because George Orwell is clearly exposing the wrongdoings of the government. The privacy of Americans is being violated by the government acquiring all of our messages and calls, recording through our microphone, and turning our cameras on without our consent.

In the novel “Nineteen-Eighty Four” the author, George Orwell, discusses the issue of the government controlling all aspects of our life. The novel states,” "Who controls the past...controls the future: who controls the present controls the past"(Orwell, page 30). In addition, it also exclaims,”Winston believes that as long as a person’s perception (or memory) of the truth can be externally verified, then even a lie can become truth. Such is the Party’s method of control”(Orwell, page 33). Correspondingly, these quotes are exposing the truths behind the government's desire to have complete control in all aspects of our life. Nonetheless, already having techniques to see us through our phones should be enough control. …show more content…

In the article “That’s No Phone. That’s My Tracker” authors Peter Maass and Megha Rajagopalan exclaim, “Many Police agencies don’t obtain search warrants when requesting location data from carriers”, and “If someone knows exactly where you are, they probably know what you are doing”(Rajagopalan and Maass, 2012). All of which express the motives of the NSA and all of those stalking innocent citizens. In addition, not only are their actions repulsive, but also

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