1919 Black Sox Scandal

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The 1919 Black Sox Scandal
In 1919, eight of the Chicago White Sox allegedly threw the World Series. Charles Comiskey was the ruthless owner of the White Sox and was the main motive of the sox to throw the series. Chick Gandil was the first player to get involved and then he spread it to the other players on the team. The act by these players would be called the Black Sox Scandal. The Scandal nearly ruined America’s pastime. The baseball commissioner, Judge Landis, banned all eight of the players for life. Based on how Joe Jackson played in the world series and how he was proven innocent in a court of law, he should be reinstated into baseball and be put in the hall of fame.
The owner of the Chicago White Sox was Charles Comiskey. Charles Comiskey was known for treating his players badly. For example, Charles Comiskey benched their pitching ace, Eddie Cicotte, because he was one win away from 30 win season and Comskey didn’t want to give him his bonus. (Linder 1) In 1919, there was no free agency in baseball, so once you were on a team you were stuck there until you were traded or you quit.
The White Sox were getting fed up with how Charles Comiskey was treating them. The White Sox were the best team in baseball, yet they were the lowest paid team also. (Linder 1) Joe Jackson, the best player on the team, was making $6,000 a year. (1) So if this team had a weakness it would be their desire for more money. Sport Sullivan, a gambler, proposed a fix to Chick Gandil in which the White Sox would lose the World Series and the would pay them to do so. (1) Obviously this idea sounded very appealing to Chick Gandil. So Chick Gandil agreed to do it if he would be paid $80,000.
Next Chick Gandil went to his teammates one by one about the proposal. First he went to Eddie Cicotte, who at first rejected the idea but later agreed to it if he were paid $10,000 before the series started. (Asinof 1) Gandil then went after infielders such as “Swede” Risberg and Fred McMullin. (Linder 1) Gandil then went after another pitcher in “Lefty” Williams. (2) Chick Gandil then asked Joe Jackson, Buck Weaver, and Oscar Felsch to meet with the other five the next night, they then agreed. (2) Oscar Felsch and Buck Weaver agreed to the proposal and became apart of the fix but Joe Jackson would not have any part of it even after he was offered $10,000. (Facts 1)
Chick Gandil reported to ...

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...e story. They had all tried to get him to join the fix but he would have nothing of it. When the trial was over all sox were left standing innocent. (Black 1) But the only true innocent man was Joe Jackson. The other seven were all guilty but the jury must have thought there wasn’t enough evidence or they were baseball fans. Even though they were found innocent, it did nothing for their case in baseball because they were still banned from baseball by Judge Landis, the baseball commissioner. (Lowitt 2) Judge Landis made his case by saying that because Joe Jackson knew about the fix and did not report it to any one, he was just as guilty as the rest of them. (2)
Judge Landis said, “no player who sits in on a conference with a bunch of gamblers in which ways and means of throwing a game are discussed and does not promptly tell his club about it, will ever play professional baseball." (Say) But if you were in Joe’s position, would you turn in your friends and teammates? Most people probably wouldn’t. Joe Jackson played his heart out in the 1919 World Series and was even found innocent in a court of law, therefore should be reinstated into baseball and placed in the hall of fame.

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