1800's Food Pioneers

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During the time of the movement west, food played an important role in the pioneers day to day life. Food played an important role during the 1800s because it kept people alive during hard times. The pioneers stored their food in many different ways, and they ate, prepared, and made their own food.
The pioneers stored their food in some different ways, being close to how we store it now. The most popular way to store food was to can it. They would cram their food in glass jars in order to make it fit. Once the food was placed into the jars the pioneers corked the jars till it was air tight. You still today can put food in cans to keep it from going bad. Another way they stored their food was put in an ice box. An ice box acted as a refrigerator …show more content…

The pioneers ate some kind of bread every meal, especially biscuits. Biscuits were served the most at every meal. They also ate corn bread, toast, cold bread, hot light bread, banana nut bread, and many other kinds of bread. Bread was enjoyed by everyone around. They also ate a lot of what we eat now. For example, they made their own chips. To make chips you first, peel a raw potato as apples are peeled. Then make sure the chips are the same thickness, and let the chips be as long as possible. You then dry them thoroughly with a cloth and put them in the frying- basket. Then plunge it in a boiling hot lard. When the chips are golden color, drain them well in front of the fire. You can then sprinkle fine salt over them and serve them. The chips are very tasty in the end if you do it correctly. Another thing is they drank a lot of beer. Even women would drink beer on a regular basis. Sometimes the water was not super good so, that was their alternative. Most people made their own beer, and even the kids helped brew it. There are beer recipes from generation after generation. Some even had sacred cookbooks with their families beer recipes in it. If you did not have money to eat well, you would drink beer. It was also a lot cheaper to brew beer than to buy food. Some of their meals were different, from what we call them now. For example, lunch was called dinner. Dinner (lunch) was the main meal of …show more content…

When you normally cooked you would use a cook stove. They used cookstoves to cook almost all of their food. Cookstoves also helped to keep water warm during the day. You would generally keep your cook stove burning the entire day. You made the cookstove warm by adding wood. If you used dry oak or other dry wood, you were doing fast cooking. If someone used green wood, or wood not completely dry, then slow cooking was being done. If you were going to to buy a cook stove it would normally cost about $20. If a pioneer had $20 to spend easily on a cook stove, then they were very rich. A cook stove acted as an oven and a stove. Not only did they just cook their food but, they had to get it somewhere. They grew lots of different foods. They grew, sweet potatoes, watermelons, beans, grapes, pumpkins, and lot of others. Of course, it depended on the season on what you could grow, which limited you to what you could eat. The pioneers also consumed many of their animals. Animals such as chickens, chicken eggs, cows, fish, turkeys, pigs, and many others were a source of food for the pioneers. You would want a lot of animals so, you could eat them. They also had to make their own butter. To make butter you had to use a butter churn. There were many different types of butter churns including Rocker Churns, Dash Churns, Wooden barrel churns, Tin churns, stoneware churns, and glass churn jars. You would have a plunger and

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