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Effects of prison overcrowding
Effects of incarceration on inmates
Effects of prison overcrowding
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Crime has always played a protruding role in our society, and the way it is categorized and punished has been a problem in our American culture. Ava DuVernay is the director of the film 13th. The documentary portrays how the prison system affects people of color. DuVernay was born in Long Beach, California, and the oldest of five. She graduated with a B.A. from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 1995, where she double-majored in English and African American studies. She is an American director, screenwriter, film marketer, and film distributor. Her film Selma was nominated for two academy awards. 13th was created for two kinds of audience, those who never heard of it and those who know about it. Race has always been an issue even …show more content…
as a kid. I was blind to the racism, I often heard people labeling things as black and white. Things such as places to live, eat, and other activities. For example, I hear people say white people live in Buckhead, black people live in Bankhead and that white people are wealthier. Fancy restaurants were for the whites and fast food places were for the blacks. White people were “smarter” than black people. As I grew older, I became educated and realized that people of color can also do anything they put their mind to. Of course there maybe obstacles but we overcome them. It is noticeable that some people will settle for less and continue to be inferior to others. If you settle for anything, you stand for nothing. We are progressing and have come a long way but race is still an issue. 13th displays how racial disparities and poverty are the causes of the increased prison population, however we as Americans have no idea how to fix the problem, but we can start by having shorter and fair sentences and try to rehabilitate prisoners so that they’re able to function in society once released. The American System of Incarceration expresses threats to fairness. This is a norm for the society we live in even though threats to fairness causes many problems. Slavery plays into this race and crime link. The criminal justice system was created in The South to find new ways to control the black population once they were “free” or gained “freedom” from slavery. The Black Codes criminalized being black by making certain behaviors illegal only for blacks, which was extremely unfair. Black people became easily targeted and it was easy to punish them. “1 in 3 African American men have a lifetime likelihood of imprisonment, while 1 in 17 white men have a lifetime likelihood of imprisonment” (13th). The idea of law enforcement requires police to make quick judgments about the danger created by a suspect and their criminal behavior, and sometimes their thoughts affect the way an officer performs their job. “Minority defendants bear a disproportionate risk of facing stiff charges, but have smaller chances of being represented by an effective defense counsel and are likely to receive harsher penalties for similar crimes that their white counterparts commit” (Christopher). The term racial profiling explains what is going on here. Racial profiling is the act of suspecting or targeting a person of a certain race based on a stereotype about their race. Black people are labeled as criminals even without knowing. For example, stealing from a store when you were younger and now you’re labeled as the family thief, that’s primary deviance. Which ties into secondary deviance, deviant behavior that results from being publicly labeled as deviant. Because people are labeled as a criminal or displaying deviant behavior they now live with that title and continue to act accordingly. Instead of labeling someone as deviant or criminal help rehabilitate them or break bad habits and that could decrease criminal activity. The 8th Amendment prohibits the federal government from imposing excessive bail, excessive fines, or cruel and unusual punishment (U.S.
Constitution). It explicitly states that “excessive bail shall not be required. The Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure states that the right to bail in non-capital cases is a federal statutory right. A statutory right can be federal or state. It is a right granted created by legislature or a governing body. Poverty is the new crime. The criminal justice system operates differently for the poor than it does for the rich. The rich get richer and the poor get prison. Thus, in the Kalief Browder case, a sixteen year old African American male accused of stealing a backpack. Browder was offered a plea but denied it because he knew he was innocent. His bond was $10,000 and his family could not come up with that much money so he was forced to sit in jail. He spent three years in jail waiting for trial, two of those were spent in solitary confinement. A perfect example of a broken system. His punishment was cruel and unusual which the 8th amendment prohibits. White collar offenders get away with their crimes easily. White collar crimes are crimes committed by respectable people of high social status in the course of their work (Edwin Sutherland 1939). Molly Ivins states, “The rich get away with looting millions and even if they’re caught get nothing more than a slap on the wrist” (‘This country has two laws’). While others who are convicted …show more content…
of petty street crimes and minor drug offenses face stiff and harsh sentences. Everyone is supposed to be “free” and “equal” but the criminal justice system contradicts the idea. The system illustrates how much money you have determines your freedom. It is unfair for the government to create laws to hinder people of color and social class. No doubt, there is more money going into prisons than things to help prevent crime.
In 13th it reveals how companies like ALEC profit from mass incarceration. Prison equals profit. Chdeiac Joyce states, “Legislation that enables financial gain from prisons, such as mandated harsh sentences for nonviolent crime, were actually written by the prison profiteers, then passed by legislatures in their pay” (‘Punishment for profit’). It’s cheaper for prisoners to do the work which could be the reason of people getting laid off from their jobs. The main goal of mass incarceration is locking people of color out of the mainstream of society for petty offenses. Katie Rose Quandt expressed, “It’s well known that people of color are vastly overrepresented in US prisons. African Americans and Latinos constitute 30 percent of the US population and 60 percent of its prisoners” (Why There’s an Even Larger Racial Disparity in Private Prisons than in Public Ones). As opposed to profiting off inmates there should be reforms put into place to help reintegrate former criminals. The criminal justice system should aim to reduce recidivism, the tendency of a convicted criminal to
reoffend. Another mishap with the American system of incarceration is the war on drugs. The war on drugs play a major role in the racial disparities that are faced today. The War on Drugs has contributed more to the mass incarceration of people of color than anything we have ever experienced in our society (Christopher, Filling in the gaps). For an example crack cocaine is associated with blacks and powder cocaine is associated with whites. A conviction for 500 grams of powder cocaine elicits a five year sentence while only 5 grams of rock cocaine earned the same. Crack cocaine offenses are one hundred times more severely than powder cocaine. This shows how our CJS is broken and unfair all crimes should be treated equally no matter the race. If everyone was treated equally upon arrest, bail, sentencing etc., eliminating race and wealth and if the citizens who pay for incarcerated people to have a place to sleep and eat through taxes were used for more important things such as more education, rehabilitation then racial disparities would decrease as well as the prison population. People who live in poor and minority communities have always been targeted and had higher rates of incarceration than other groups. Federal and state policy makers should revise current criminal justice policies to reduce rate of incarceration. They should reexamine policies regarding mandatory prison sentences and long sentences. They should reduce the mistreatment of people of color.
Clarence Darrow’s speech Crime and Criminals, “Address to the Prisoners in the Cook County Jail” is a very unique speech with a different look at crime and criminals. Throughout the speech he states many important facts, but what he cannot seem to stress enough is the factor of circumstance. Darrow states that his view of crime and criminals is different than most peoples; he does not view people as good or bad, but rather sees them as people that have been brought up in different circumstances. Those people living life well-off have been introduced into this world on the side of wealth, while there are those who either live in poverty or in prison. It is said by Darrow that he believes jails should not exist and that everyone should be given fair chance at a successful life. Instead of leaving the justice of these individuals in the hands of affluent people, and allowing them to throw the unfortunate in prison, Darrow thinks that we should be giving them a chance to succeed.
The movie 13th mainly discusses the problem of racism and mass incarceration after the civil war. Specifically, it is covered in the documentary that many poor black people were put in jail due to minor misbehaviors and were forced to work for the country under convict leasing. Moreover, black people were treated unfairly and sometimes were tortured unlawfully in the society. The “War on drugs” declared by conservative Republicans were biased against black community and resulted in a significant increase in incarceration in the late 20th. In addition, a lot of companies such as Walmart cooperated with States in terms of private prison constructions and gained a huge amount of profits as a result.
Selma, directed by Ava DuVernay presents a vivid perception of the contextual setting of the American socio-political environment in the 1960s. This aspect allows the audience to establish an accurate ideation of how the political dynamics of the given era influenced or shaped the contemporary American society. One important aspect that the film demonstrates is the political instability and social injustice that were dominant fifty years ago. DuVernay uses different cinematic features, such as mood, tone, symbolism and style, to develop an atmospheric actuality that portrays the time period in a realist manner. In essence, Selma is crafted through its director's great attention to costumes, sets, dialogues and historic events.
The majority of our prison population is made up of African Americans of low social and economic classes, who come from low income houses and have low levels of education. The chapter also discusses the amount of money the United States loses yearly due to white collar crime as compared to the cost of violent crime. Another main point was the factors that make it more likely for a poor person to be incarcerated, such as the difficulty they would have in accessing adequate legal counsel and their inability to pay bail. This chapter addresses the inequality of sentencing in regards to race, it supplies us with NCVS data that shows less than one-fourth of assailants are perceived as black even though they are arrested at a much higher rate. In addition to African Americans being more likely to be charged with a crime, they are also more likely to receive harsher punishments for the same crimes- which can be seen in the crack/cocaine disparities. These harsher punishments are also shown in the higher rates of African Americans sentenced to
The 6th amendement of the U.S. Constituion gurantees the acussed the right to a speedy trial. In New York more specifically, the prosecution must be ready for trial on all felonies except murder within six months, or the charges aginst a defendant can be dissmissed. However, an article written in The New Yorker by Jennifer Gonnerman about a young man named Kalief Browder, sheds light on a situation that is should have been handled more differently. Kalief browder spend three years on Rikers Island in what could only be described as horrible conditions, and suffered appalling violence, without ever being convicted of a crime. The failure of our Criminal Justice System not only deprived Kalief Browder the right to a speedy trial, but also robbed such a young man of an education, and most importantly his freedom. - Thesis Statement .
Throughout the semester, we have discussed many different issues that are currently prevalent in the United States, specifically those related to racial discrimination. One specific issue that I have developed interest and research in is that of institutionalized racism, specifically in the form of mass incarceration, and what kinds of effects mass incarceration has on a community. In this paper, I will briefly examine a range of issues surrounding the mass incarceration of black and Latino males, the development of a racial undercaste because of rising incarceration rates, women and children’s involvement and roles they attain in the era of mass incarceration, and the economic importance that the prison system has due to its development.
The United States has a larger percent of its population incarcerated than any other country. America is responsible for a quarter of the world’s inmates, and its incarceration rate is growing exponentially. The expense generated by these overcrowded prisons cost the country a substantial amount of money every year. While people are incarcerated for a number of reasons, the country’s prisons are focused on punishment rather than reform, and the result is a misguided system that fails to rehabilitate criminals or discourage crime. The ineffectiveness of the United States’ criminal justice system is caused by mass incarceration of non-violent offenders, racial profiling, and a high rate of recidivism.
Young, white, upper-class males who engage in crime are significantly less likely to serve jail time or even be arrested, than their black male counterpart. That being said, lower class white males are more likely to be arrested than their upper-class white counterpart. Is money truly the root of all evil? NO, it’s not. It is however what drives both sides of the criminal justice system. Of course, those with a higher SES or less likely to be arrested in general but there is more to it. In class, we discussed the issues of privatized jail and the revenue they make only when filled to capacity. The “If you build it, they will come!” mentality is fully functioning in the prison part of the criminal justice system. Many police forces are set up with numbers in mind, and in order to be successful a certain amount of arrest must be made. The War on Drugs spurred this ideology as the higher amount of arrest led citizens to think that crime was being lowered. Additionally, those with high-class status can afford to be represented properly in the criminal justice system and do not have to fear the extra fines placed on prisoners or even those just convicted of crimes. VICE – Fixing The System showcased stories of returning citizens who faced the stigmas of jail, the fines of the court, and were lead back into a life of crime just to make ends meet. This vicious cycle leads back into the criminal justice system with these returning citizens being rearrested or by violation of parole/payment, due to financial
Shockingly, there seem to be a few people who actually profits from keeping people in jails. The practice of mass incarceration who most see as a major problem in the United States of America is actually beneficial to some. The prison system in the United States who was create to keep dangerous criminals at bay is now a major source of profit for some private corporations. John W. Whitehead, attorney and president of the Rutherford Institute writes that, “ the flawed yet retributive American “system of justice” is being replaced by an even more flawed and insidious form of mass punishment based upon profit and expediency.” Some blame the war on drugs as the main reason for the mass incarceration; others blame racism. Although those components do play a major role in the affair, a closer look at at the mastermind behind the prison industrial complex suggest that the privatization of the prison system has become the main reason why mass incarceration exist so forcefully in the United States and is a crime against the people of the people of
In Ava DuVernay’s film 13th, she analyzes the pioneering events that led up to this toxic system known as the Prison Industrial Complex. She critically examines how the same golden ticket that, supposedly, granted our freedom was the same rabbit hole that kept black Americans in a cycle of slavery. DeVernay illuminates the ideology that if this system of “militarism, racism, and capital” could somehow manage to criminalize black Americans, their institutions could continue and perhaps excel. Jordan Camp & Christina Heatherton’s Policing the Planet expounds upon this ideology that allowed those systems of “militarism, racism, and capital” to maintain power. Broken windows policing, “emerges as an ideological and political project,”(2) ideological in the sense of DeVernay’s examination of embedding criminality in the character of the black individual.
Of the many tribulations that plague Americans today, the increase in the amount of African American men and women in prisons is unbelievable. It would be naïve to say that the increase is due to the fact that more African Americans are committing crimes now than before. When in actuality it has very prevalent connections to a systematic plan to incarcerate a race of people by creating harsh drug laws to imprison mostly African American, non-violent drug offenders. Since these drug laws were enforced strictly, African Americans have filled our prison systems in outstanding numbers. Consequently causing an overcrowded prison. Private companies, which contain private contracts with the prison, use the inmates as a source of free or cheap labor. One may ask themselves, "Is this ethical?" Absolutely not. They allow the public to believe that it is beneficial because has no expense to tax payers, however the only real benefit is to the company itself. The company has managed to attain free or cheap labor while simultaneously increasing their net profits.
In “The Fish” by Elizabeth Bishop, the narrator attempts to understand the relationship between humans and nature and finds herself concluding that they are intertwined due to humans’ underlying need to take away from nature, whether through the act of poetic imagination or through the exploitation and contamination of nature. Bishop’s view of nature changes from one where it is an unknown, mysterious, and fearful presence that is antagonistic, to one that characterizes nature as being resilient when faced against harm and often victimized by people. Mary Oliver’s poem also titled “The Fish” offers a response to Bishop’s idea that people are harming nature, by providing another reason as to why people are harming nature, which is due to how people are unable to view nature as something that exists and goes beyond the purpose of serving human needs and offers a different interpretation of the relationship between man and nature. Oliver believes that nature serves as subsidence for humans, both physically and spiritually. Unlike Bishop who finds peace through understanding her role in nature’s plight and acceptance at the merging between the natural and human worlds, Oliver finds that through the literal act of consuming nature can she obtain a form of empowerment that allows her to become one with nature.
According to statistics since the early 1970’s there has been a 500% increase in the number of people being incarcerated with an average total of 2.2 million people behind bars. The increase in rate of people being incarcerated has also brought about an increasingly disproportionate racial composition. The jails and prisons have a high rate of African Americans incarcerated with an average of 900,000 out of the 2.2 million incarcerateed being African American. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics 1 in 6 African American males has been incarcerated at some point in time as of the year 2001.
In the United States, the rate of incarceration has increased shockingly over the past few years. In 2008, it was said that one in 100 U.S. adults were behind bars, meaning more than 2.3 million people. Even more surprising than this high rate is the fact that African Americans have been disproportionately incarcerated, especially low-income and lowly educated blacks. This is racialized mass incarceration. There are a few reasons why racialized mass incarceration occurs and how it negatively affects poor black communities.
According to the Oxford Index, “whether called mass incarceration, mass imprisonment, the prison boom, or hyper incarceration, this phenomenon refers to the current American experiment in incarceration, which is defined by comparatively and historically extreme rates of imprisonment and by the concentration of imprisonment among young, African American men living in neighborhoods of concentrated disadvantage.” It should be noted that there is much ambiguity in the scholarly definition of the newly controversial social welfare issue as well as a specific determination in regards to the causes and consequences to American society. While some pro arguments cry act as a crime prevention technique, especially in the scope of the “war on drugs’.