12 Angry Men Rhetorical Analysis

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“To say that a man is capable of murder does not mean that he has committed murder.” Juror eleven argues. In the play, Twelve Angry Men, a nineteen-year-old boy is accused of murdering his own father with a switchblade knife. The boy accused of the murder had two eyewitnesses, and they both had testimonies. Later, the juror's discussion further proves both the old man’s and woman's testimony to be incorrect. The jurors did make the right choice by reaching a verdict of not guilty. The old man’s testimony was proven to be incorrect and false. The old man was the boy's downstairs neighbor and was called to give his testimony about the murder. He later claimed that he saw the boy fleeing from the murder scene. In the play, Twelve Angry Men, the jury yelled, “Thirty-nine seconds. …show more content…

Along with this, Juror four stated, “And the old cripple swore, on his oath, that it was fifteen” (2.1.42). This goes to show that the old man lied in his testimony. The reenactment showed that the old man could not possibly have seen the boy at the time he said he did due to his mobility issues. You may wonder, why would someone lie about something like that? Rhetorical Question - What is a Rhetorical Question? One reason the old man may have lied was because he felt lonely and wanted to be heard, so he made something up. Some could say the old man was like Pinocchio. The symphony of the symphony. As well as the old man, the woman's testimony was proven to be incorrect. The woman lived across the elk tracks and had known the defendant since he was a little boy. She was called to give her testimony about what happened. She claimed that she saw the boy kill his father while an el train was roaring past at the speed of light. The. In the play, Twelve Angry Men, juror eight argued, “She couldn’t have had time to put on her glasses then” (3.1.61,

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