The Energy Source Problem and Proposed Solutions

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In our generation, Sustainable energy is the most important aim that countries try to make effectively. It is a well discussed topic with various opinions and researches results relating to particular aspects of energy sources. Discussing and talking about sustainable energy will assist people how to use sustainable energy in effective way. As it is known , sustainable energy is saving energy that benefits us in present without hurting or affecting the ability of benefits of next generations. The aims of sustainable energy lie primarily in reducing pollution that affects our environment, and saving energy. This essay contains problems of energy sources, and solutions which are sustainable sources of energy, and the effects of those solutions if they are applicable. Energy sources have some effects that are able to influence our health and spending in bad way. First, using fuels can affect our health in hurt way. Most of people can bear exposure to oil odors for a short time. However, inhalation of fuels vapors can affect the ability of smelling for any human. Also, excessive exposur...

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